Thursday, 3 January 2008

Chapter 1 - Final Emails

Capcom, so graciously, went out and took a picture of the Knoxville billboard for us! It is VERY CLEAR, I might add!

So...Knoxville, Tennessee (posted on Oceanic Conspiracies!): It's an add to fly to L.A.: "Find your way back to L.A. Your ultimate destination"

Thanks for all your effort Capcom!

There are 2 new emails on Sam's Laptop!

  • 1 - An email from Oceanic Airlines informing Sam that his employment with them has been terminated. Also, Sam apparently has some property of Oceanic Airlines that they want back. (hmmmm)
  • 2 - Sam has sent an inquiry to Austral Air (WIKI) about new employment. It reminds us that Sam was an IT technician with Oceanic Airlines.


memphish said...

Hey all I'm having a problem. I went back to the clue hunt after solving it (long story why) and now it won't let me highlight Jacob's chair, but it will let me highlight the lamp. And as a result I'm back to incomplete on the activity. Any ideas what I can do to fix this?

memphish said...

Isn't it kind of odd that Sam has time to worry about finding new employment when he's planning to sneak aboard a boat?

Beverly said...

That happened to me, too. I logged out, logged in again and did it again. It worked for me after that. I think the site is just really glitchy.

Beverly said...

Yeah, that seemed kinda odd to me, too. When would he be able to interview?

Capcom said...

To Jpike from the last post...yes, it is VERY amusing!! Well, at least I know a lot more about the area now! And I did get to snag a shot after all.

We should meet for a Lost episode sometime. :-D

Ange said...

Jess is working furiously to get the Capcom shots up. They're great! I think they are the first clear shots of the Knoxville board.

Erin said...

Interesting that they call it Austral Air rather than Air Austral - unless they are not wanting to refer to a particular airline and made a stuff up with the name (especially given RĂ©union, where it is based, is on the opposite side of the Indian Ocean from Indonesia), or are simply looking to refer to that airline without having to do normal things like ask the airline permission.

memphish said...

Great job Capcom!

I cleared my cache and could click the chair, but now it doesn't give me the spot to enter my S4 clue and so I'm still incomplete. Any ideas how to get the place to enter the clue to reappear?

Erin said...

memphish, you need to click on the lamp on the bedside table :)

jess4ua said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
jess4ua said...

Okay, Capcom's pic of the Knoxville Billboard is up! Yay!

Pharma - we noticed the Austral Air discrepancy too..........shhhhhh! LOL

memphish said...

I finally realized it was the first tasks with the photo of Sonya and the email it said I hadn't done. Now I'm back up to speed.

maven said...

Great job, Capcom! That must have been very satisfying to you to finally get that shot!

So it says: "Find your way back to L.A." That an interesting way to phrase it, isn't it? This echoes Jack wanting to find his way back to the island from L.A.

maven said...

So I have it that there's just one video left in this Chapter, right?

Interesting that they're using a real airline for Sam's job hunt. Mum must have made him look for employment!

jess4ua said...

Maven said - So it says: "Find your way back to L.A." That an interesting way to phrase it, isn't it? This echoes Jack wanting to find his way back to the island from L.A.

Ange noticed how the Sydney one said - The adventure starts here


memphish said...

So we've got the adventure beginning in Sydney. We find our way back to LA. We lose ourselves in London -- does this refer to Desmond losing himself in London in a new Penny-less life or something we haven't seen yet? A new life awaits us is Seoul. This one is especially ironic given that Sun and Jin were both trying to find new lives anywhere but Seoul. We're supposed to discover the mysteries of Berlin which is completely mysterious to this point. Was Berlin ever in TLE?

Capcom said...

That's for sure Maven! And I am going to take some images tomorrow in the daylight, just out of spite! :o)

Yes, you all are right, the phrases on the billboards are curious when you think about it, and maybe will mean something to us eventually!

Capcom said...

Good question about Berlin in TLE Memphish!

jess4ua said...

Memphish - Good points about the locations. You got me thinking about Berlin, and that email response we got from Zeke. His name is German I am pretty sure.

Erin said...

Jess: but I want consistency dammit! Or my money back :P

maven said...

Well, according to Lostpedia: "Dominic Bernard Patrick Luke Monaghan[1] was born and raised in Berlin, Germany — he speaks fluent German to this day..."

Erin said...

The Berlin thing could also refer to events in S4, flashbacks perhaps?

maven said...

Capcom: I think they posted your pic of the bb on Dark without giving you credit. Is that the one you took?

Ange said...

Maven, Jess is on it LOL;) You're famous Capcom!

jess4ua said...

Maven- Good point. LOL

jess4ua said...

I posted a comment telling them that was Capcom's pic.
I think it is just a mistake, because Keepingawake says it is not theirs in the comments.

Capcom said...

Yeah, that's it on DarkUFO! Hey, it's all for our Team, right?! I wanted Oceanic Conspiracies to have the first close-up picture at least. :-D

maven said...

I just wanted to confirm it was yours before I put my foot in my mouth! LOL

Beverly said...

capcom, they're giving you credit now, but they spelled your name wrong! Camcoop!

jess4ua said...

They fixed it Capcom.....but apparently you have a new name Camcoop..... I will handle it if you like????

DiggityDirge said...

Hey everyone,

So today we learn that even though the story doesn't continue until tomorrow, little tidbits of info are still coming out. Just when I took a day off :)

In regards to the timeline issue, I would have to agree there are some inconsistencies, but that seems like too obviuos of a mistake for TPTB to make. DarkUfo is reporting that the TV broadcast that we see Sam watching in the first video is live TV on Jan
13th, 2006. They are getting this from the stock ticker.

Yet we have all the Oceanic stuff and myspace/facebook stuff lending to present day. What would be the purpose of having two timelines at this point in the story? Is Sam's story supposed to be a years worth of information leading up to the live show on Jan 31st.

We need a timeline.

jess4ua said...

Capcom - nevermind. I posted another comment correcting it. I just couldn't help myself.

maven said...

Well, I handled the Timeline for TLE, but we had really specific things. This one seems to be all over the place.

Hello, Camcoop!

Capcom said...

Thanks Jess! Well, at least they didn't call me Campoop! :-B

jess4ua said...

diggitydirge- Good evening:D
I am not sure about the time on that might be that it is being overanalyzed, and ABC just pulled a random news temp.
Also, as far as myspace and facebook go, there hasn't been anything there, yet, to convince me that they are in game. I do know that could change though. But maybe they posted them as tools for the game, not thinking about the timeline.

DiggityDirge said...

I have pretty much avoided spoilers except for the previews, but I wouldn't think that the group that our Losties radio'd at the end of S3, and show up on the island in S4, are an Oceanic rescue crew? Ben led us to believe they want the island.

Just seems weird? I can help put together a timeline but could use some help. I have a light day tomorrow.

DiggityDirge said...

You might be right Jess. Time and dates have always been so important in LOST, but there is the occassional screw up that TPTB recognize. Maybe a mistake, maybe an interesting point.

jess4ua said...

Yeah, I think they want the island. However, it could still be an Oceanic rescue crew, so to speak. Or at least that is what they were telling the rest of the world. It is possible that Oceanic found out about the island somehow when 815 crashed.

Campoop- ROFL!!!!!

jess4ua said...

Capcom - The situation is resolved. ;)

Tess315 said...

Great job getting a good picture of the billboard.

maven said...

Lost Ninja just posted this on ITE:
Stay tuned to my blog - I got some pics going up shortly you'll all be very interested in ;)


Posted by: The Lost Ninja | January 03, 2008 at 08:22 PM

jess4ua said...

And just when I thought I was going to bed!

maven said...

Poor Jess!

Scoutpost said...

To follow up on Maven's post: Lost Ninja has pictures of the Oceanic billboard going up in Sydney. Also, capcom's pic is up on his site too- although it is credited as "anonymous"- still...your fame continues in Australia...and around the world!

maven said...

The Sydney billboard was found by Lost Ninja!

It's the same one as the Knoxville billboard: "Find Your Way Back to L.A."

maven said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
maven said...

Beat me by a minute, Scoutpost! LOL

Amused2bHere said...

Woo hoo! go Capcom! Your hunting around Knoxville really paid off, and now your internationally famous. You rock!

As for Sam, I think the company property he has is his laptop, maybe his cellphone too. My IT geek husband has mucho technology that work requires him to have and use, but if he were to leave them he'd have to return everything.

Just saying...

Amused2bHere said...

Oh, and sorry for the double comment, but...

"A new life awaits you in Seoul" could refer to the new life that Sun is carrying inside her.


Unknown said...

Regarding the timeline...

Before I saw the FlyOceanic video, my first thought when I saw the 9 cities was: "This is how Oceanic is going to get the returning survivors home without making a scene."

Maybe I should go with my gut. The press release still bothers me. The rate at which time passes better come into play with that.

jpike001 said...

Finally back from work and it seems everyone is asleep. It is 5:30 am here...oh well

Personally I don't believe that the group coming on to the island is Oceanic... especially knowing that a pseudo-plane is out there somewhere, not to mention Ben's warning (I think it's the one time throughout the series where he is saying exactly what he means)... I want to believe that those coming on to the island in season 4 are a part of something bigger than Oceanic and have a broader agenda.

As far as I know there is no affiliation between LOST and Berlin other than DoMonaghan's birthplace. I agree with the idea that it will become a more important city later. Maybe all these destinations refer not to places our Losties are from but where those who leave the island will end up... probably wrong though.

According to the timeline controversy, I think that Myspace and Facebook might just be oversights that TPTB were willing to make in order to have more branched for connectivity to fans. Then again, I wouldn't put it pass them to use this situation to create yet another mind-$#%@ for all of us.

And in closing, Sonya is confirmed dead....Just kidding...sorry I'm very tired and just couldn't help myself. Ok, I'm going to sleep now, see all of you again this afternoon.

Ange said...

Good Morning, I woke up with this question...Why is Sam applying for a job with Austral Air, if he is "packing his bag" to go to the Sunda Trench?

It's extremely irritating that these e-mails don't have any header or date information on them. Grrr. Off to work, but I'll be able to check in today. Have a good one everybody.

memphish said...

A2BH, Good call on Sun's new life in her belly. I'd have to think that if Sun is rescued publicly (and this is not spoiler-based, just my speculation) that her father would insist she come back to Seoul.

So to pretend that these sites are places any rescued LOSTies might return to we'd have:
Ames -- Kate, to put her on trial
LA -- Hurley, Jack, Sayid
Sydney -- Claire
Tustin -- Locke
NYC -- Michael, Walt, Rose, Bernard
Seoul -- Sun, Jin
Knoxville -- Sawyer (but only to get the money his relatives collected from Oceanic for his death; then to Tallahassee maybe)
Miami -- Juliet
Portland -- Ben? Other others?

As for the billboard sites we have London -- Desmond
and Berlin -- the mystery site

The name the emailer used that appeared to be Zeke was German. Good call on the person who mentioned that. I've forgotten who it was now. Sorry.

It also occurs to me that since these people have presumably been declared dead that Hurley's mom has inherited all his money. I wonder if being declared dead would be Kate's get out of jail free card? I don't think so.

And yes Ange, why would you pack for Sunda Trench where you're going on a spy-type mission and then apply for a job halfway around the world?

jess4ua said...

Memphish - Yeah, I have the theory that Berlin may refer to Zeke. Zeke might be mystery! LOL
Also, Kate not in jail feeds into my other theory that the the FF is the losties sent back in time.

pgtbeauregard said...

Great job Capcom!

Even being sick and all you still got the pic!

Ange said...

ROFL at myself, I posted a comment, or though I did...from home, but I think I forgot to hit publish:

I got a MySpace mail this morning saying that Sam had posted a blog, but on MySpace there is nothing. Testing the blog perhaps, or posted then took it be on the lookout for that.

Also, the main page is updated with the Lost Ninja Oceanic billboard (thanks Maven). Notice that the text in the ad for L.A. is different than the L.A. text from the Knoxville board. Curious.

I like the line of thinking that each billboard represents a character from the show, and I think that the idea of Sun's baby is brilliant A2BH. Here are all the texts, just to review:
1. "Lose yourself in London. Your ultimate destination."

2. "Discover the mysteries of Berlin. Your ultimate destination."

3. "A new life awaits you in Seoul. Your ultimate destination."

4. "Find your way back to L.A. Your ultimate destination"

5. "The adventure begins here. Your ultimate destination." From Sydney

6. "Fly to L.A. Your ultimate destination."

So just promotional or are we missing a message?

jpike001 said...

I haven't read any of the spoilers so this is only my speculation but a think that these cities will become the "ultimate destination" for 6 of our Losties... this might have been stressed earlier, if so then I agree with this idea

jpike001 said...

is it just me or do my comments tend to make EVERYONE stop posting?

lost2010 said...

So, I didn't miss too awful much yesterday flying around from airport to airport. I felt a little like Sam, trying to find a way to fit all my items into my carryon bag.

Good photos of the signs! I wonder if they are a sort of play on the "Lost Pet" signs from the Dark Tower.
Yeah, probably not.

Ange said...

Hi jpike...LOL it just is kinda quiet here during the day. Things get rolling usually in the evenings. I'm sure you're right about the character connections and their destinations.

So someone is getting "lost" in London. Someone will encounter a "mystery" in Berlin. Someone will get a new life or give birth to a new life in Seoul. Someone is returning to L.A. Someone else is flying there, presumably for the first time. And someone (or all the losties) are beginning their "adventures" in Austrailia (with the original flight 815?).

memphish posted which characters go with which locations, but are these hinting at who will be doing what in season 4? I have read ZERO spoilers so frankly I have no idea even who I'm really talking about here, and I'd like to keep it that way...but maybe we're supposed to start thinking about this per the notebook of characters on Sam's desk.

memphish said...

I just noticed there are only 9 characters in Sam's notebook and there are 9 cities. The fact that Sun and Jin aren't viewed as one could be significant too. Of course, they are physically separated on Island at the end of S3.

Now why Sam would single out these 9 people out of the 300+ passengers on the plane is one of those suspend disbelief moments. Still it's interesting.

When we started the show we had 14 main characters; Sam's notebook omits Boone, Shannon, Michael, Walt and Charlie of the original Losties and Eko, Libby and Ana of the Tailies and also Rose, Bernard, Nikki, Paolo and other more minor characters.

DiggityDirge said...

Have been working on a timeline with Maven and realized another change. TPTB have gone back and changed the ticker data in Sam's first video diary. The new numbers are listed below. Does anyone know how to validate them.

NasDaq - 2316.08
S&P - 1623.24
DOW - 8424.15

I would say they are LOST numbers but the 24 throws me for a loop. Unless it is 42 backwards.

I find the NASDAQ number was the close in Australia on 12/24/07, but can't validate the other two. The NasDaq info comes from

Anyone have any ideas besides google?

jess4ua said...

diggitydirge - I have no idea how to validate those numbers, but my guess is that they are sometime around December 2004. LOL

Anonymous said...

priorities sam. hahaha.......sheesh.

if you're dedicating time to solving a mystery and finding someone......i hardly think a new job is very prudent at the moment.

so yeah, i'm with memphish on that. either he has some 'splainin' to dooo....or it's an oversight in cohesiveness by the powers that be.

eh....i wouldn't worry too much yet about it though.

Unknown said...

diggitydirge: None of those numbers correspond to any closing prices in the US markets. You can download historical market values for all three markets from Yahoo!Financial, and none of those numbers are accurate to any date.

jess4ua said...

Kyle- Hi!
And thanks for that info. I was kind of thinking they were not real. After everyone went crazy with the dates on that, I think they purposefully picked fake numbers.

DiggityDirge said...

question for Kyle and Jess. Since Sam is in Australia, would they be US market numbers or Australian. if you simply google NasDaq 2316.08, the first hit is from Yahoo7 Astralia showing closing numbers for 12/24/07.

I wouldn't put it past them to fake it, I just don't know enoguhg about the market to know if S&P and DOW play in the Australian market.

jess4ua said...

Docarzt posted a video of someone watching the Fly Oceanic Air commercial on TV. I wonder if it really is. Has anyone seen it on TV, or is it just someone who has their computer connected to a tv screen?

Also, can anyone tell my why the comment box is putting my html for links on two seperate lines like this..

href="etc, etc

Of course I have the < I just can't post it that way. It has never done this to me before.


jess4ua said...

diggitydirge - I think that is a question for Pharmacopaeia.

Unknown said...

diggity: No, the market values are the same for any country. Individual countries may have their own stock markets (ASX, or Australian Securities Exchange, for example), but the values for the Nasdaq, Dow and S&P 500 are going to be the same no matter where they're viewed.

memphish said...

I saw that video of the commercial too. All New Year's Day when I was watching hours and hours of football I was waiting to see a little or on the LOST trailers that ran frequently, but didn't see any. I don't know if I'm watching any ABC shows any time soon given how poor the selection is, but if I see anything I'll certainly chime in. It might show up on ESPN too since Disney owns them as well as ABC.

DiggityDirge said...

thanks Kyle. Guess we'll just go with them being fake and not owrry too much about a timeline.

jess4ua said...

or Kyle! hehehehe

Unknown said...

Oh, and jess, that's because the href="blahblahblah is longer than 35 characters in sequence (the max value for a single line in the comment box). Therefore, it gets bounced to its own line and the run-on code starts from the 'h' in "href".

maven said...

Morning all! I think you're all onto to something with those billboards representing characters on the show and where they end up. It is strange that the 9 characters we all love are in the manifest and others from the flight are ignored or forgotten (a minor detail LOL). Good one Memphish: 9 characters = 9 billboards!

Diggity: I really think we're reading too much into those stock ticker numbers. I really haven't seen any solid evidence of any specific date or time so far (unlike TLE which had document after document with full dates on them). We have had discussions as to when this is taking place. I'm with the idea that it's starts when S3 ended and is going to coincide somehow with the beginning of S4 (the fact that they took off the tsunami info from the Sunda Trench page makes me think that Sam's search is happening prior to that event).

So, therefore, I'm really not sure how putting together a timeline would work. Any ideas?

BTW: Totally off topic:
My son, who's LAPD, was on the scene last night with Britney Spears. I can't give you any juicy details, but he did say the police were there for security because the papparazzi were insane! He had to accompany her to the hospital!

memphish said...

That's pretty crazy Maven. I wish there was one sane person in that family who could sit her down and straighten her out. It's become so farcical it's just plain sad, especially for her kids.

jess4ua said...

Kyle, thanks - what do I do about that?

Maven - OMG, I think you should forget the timeline and start us up a celebrity news blog. LOL

DiggityDirge said...

wow Britney gossip! You should call TMZ :0 Thats funny, we'll kind of.

The original ticker data was spot on for all three markets on
1/13/06. But, TPTB have been changing everything since this thing started so I agree we should consider it present day.

Unknown said...

jess: I don't think you need to do anything about it. Are your links working?

This is a link to my column, and the uninterrupted character count is over 70. The carrot-a prefix to the code is on a line by itself, but the whole thing works.

(and yeah, that was a pretty sneaky way of me to work in some self-promotion)

Ange said...

I feel irritated and I am going ot vent. I *heart* DocArtz heaps and I check there all the time, but the info accompanying that Oceanic video is alarmingly nonexistent! Okay,

HOORAY that I can even see the video here at work, but still, it would be nice to know where in the world it was seen and suring what program, not just the person who sent it in. /rant.

Also, I've been continuing thinking about Sam's there-not there Myspace blog I posted about earlier. I wonder if he will be blogging his travel for us.

maven said...

Has anyone seen the send email by Sam to Oceanic where he says he returned all company property and he should get paid? It's been reported at Dark and some people say that it's not there anymore. (I can't access doesn't scroll down after the Sonya email.) Another thing that was there and then it's not!

Unknown said...

maven: Chalk it up to premature exposition. Didn't we get used to that (at least a little) with TLE?

DiggityDirge said...

there was lao another email from Tom that Sam received last night and is gone. Poor planning as usual.

I am beginning to wonder if Tom/Zeke is the LOST Ninja. No evidence, just my own gut feel on this one, but the hotmail email address has been adding IM friends and his tone seems like Lost Ninja's.

Send an IM friend request to

Ange said...

maven Speaker says in his YouTube to "...keep making screen shots." Maybe he was trying to tell us that things would be changing daily?

jess4ua said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
jess4ua said...

Kyle- NM it is working fine now. Sheesh, before it was giving me an error message that my tag was broken. And I checked many times to make sure I was typing it right. *shrug*
Who knows.....

jess4ua said...

I have a feeling that email is just like everything else...released early by accident. So far we have one video, the tsunami (potentially), the phone message from mum, the myspace blog from Sam, and now an email. Sheesh!

Ange, due to lack of info, I think someone just played the video off their computer on the tv. I hope they prove me wrong though. HAHAHA, Family would LOVE....

Don't touch that remote it is staying on ABC until I see the commercial for myself. Oh and honey, can you let me know when it comes on because I can't seem to get my nose out of this laptop!

DiggityDirge said...

interesting vido on DarkUfo. It's a video about flight 815 being found. If it is a fake, someone went thorugh an awful lot of trouble to do this.

maven said...

Diggity: That video surfaced a long time ago and it's I believe it is fake. But good. I think it surfaced when Naomi parachuted in.

DiggityDirge said...

amazing the amount of time someone would spend to fake it. I wish I had that much free time on my hands :)

Scoutpost said...

Well I think I had a comment to make, but now I forgot what it was. Good observations by all.

Perhaps Sam doesn't know what he's getting into, going down to the Sundra trench, or how long he'll be gone- and is just looking for a new job out of habit, or to support his trip, or...I don't know it still seems fishy.

And memphish- ditto what you said about Britney's so pitiful it's not even funny anymore, she can't go much farther down.

maven said...

I think Sam is applying for employment just to satisfy Mum! LOL

(I've spent all morning hunting down the Britney videos...saw my son a few times!)

memphish said...

What did he copy her on the email Maven? :)

memphish said...

This info. about a James Maxwell is interesting. I'm not sure I buy that it's the guy who was once on the Trench info. page, but he certainly sounds Lost-like and he worked with Kelvin and Germans.

FYSB said...

Just a late in the day "congrats!' to PoopCam on her international success in photographing that billboard. That is way cool.

As for Sam looking for a job, I suppose if the writers are trying to show his character, this demonstrates that he acts quickly and decisively when confronted with a crisis. That he's not completely irrational and realizes he's got to keep his life going and not just drop everything to go find Sonya. After all, in his world, the plane crash was some time ago so he's had time to recover from the loss.

That said though, with the limited interaction we have with events in the game/Sam's life (ie, only 9 emails in a week), it seems odd to waste one of the emails on something as mundane as looking for a job. If they had left it with the "You're fired" email, that would have been more dramatic and left us with a man who has nothing to lose.

jess4ua said...

Memphish, I was reading that earlier. Since you brought it up I decided to look HERE.
It is the same picture from the Sunda Trench email, although I don't remember seeing that pic there. There are even pics of him and his wife at the bottom.

This info is sooooo LOST, I really think there is a possiblily it could be involved.

BarbaraJay said...

Maybe Sam needs the job to help him travel. Do airline employees get free trips? (I'm guessing. I really don't know.)

jess4ua said...

And OMG - This is for Twinkle (wherever she may be) If you follow some links about Maxwell's experiments, his main one being a "demon" you end up HERE

I find this interesting this is the first experiment using Maxwell's Demon.

jess4ua said...

And just to clarify, this is following links posted on Wikipedia about experiments based on Maxwell's work.

memphish said...

My husband's grandmother was a Maxwell. Maybe we're related. :-)

Ange said...

Again, Good Job Capcom!

Off to catch up on comments and check out the Maxwell stuff.

jpike001 said...

well good morning everyone... haha

maven said...

Just waiting to see what happens in less than 2 hours...

jess4ua said...

Maven - For some strange reason, I think we are going to see a video. I don't know, call me psychic.......

maven said...

Funny you should mention that, Jess. I had that feeling, too! LOL

I've been checking find815 and Sam's MySpace...nothing yet...

BarbaraJay said...

I'm haunted by a little red box. I've packed Sam's bag twice. Once when it first came up and again during the clue hunt. Is there a trick to getting credit for the activity?

memphish said...

Barbarajay, the activity is actually clicking on the email about Sonya and clicking on her zoomed in facial features and the email from The Maxwell Group. For some reason it uncredited me as well, and once I went back and redid it the box was filled in again.

FYSB said...

Jess and Maven, you're creeping me out with your psychic abilities. Let's just see how good you are...I'm thinking of a number between 4 and 108...

BarbaraJay said...

Thanks, Memphish! I did that activity so long ago, it didn't occur to me that that was the one. Now I'm all green!

jpike001 said...

Eating Pizza, laying in bed, watching "Man Behind the Curtain", episode should end within 5 mins of what we're all waiting for tonight. This is heaven..

maven said...

I hear ya, jpike! I just finished reading the Matthew Fox cover story in EW. Interesting insights...nothing spoilery.

Ange said...

I'm drafting a new post, but I really want to enjoy the video and the hunt tonight, so I am going to put it up a little while after the clue comes. I hope no one minds. Seems like a slow night ATM. And I think jpike needs to send us all pizza please!

ib4uc said...

campoop, er I mean capcom... AWESOME picture!

5 minutes and counting.

maven said...

Anything yet? LOL

Eugene said...

I just finsihed my Friday night pizza. is already slow with 2 minutes to go.

maven said...

I'm at 0000

maven said...

It just reset to 72 hours!

Beana said...

I'm supposed to be the only one without a life waiting for the game to continue on a Friday night.

ib4uc said...

maven... I don't see any changes yet.

Ange said...

beana, YOU ARE NEVER the only one. Hehehe

jpike001 said...

its a video diary from the camcorder... hasn't loaded for me yet though

ib4uc said...

and it's running really slow!

memphish said...

I tried reloading and now I may be cut out. Mine reset to 72 hours too Maven. Also it still showed no video release.

Eugene said...

Chapter 1 video seems to be loading on "Story so far". (loving this)

Ange said...

got it

jpike001 said...

it's loading... come on

maven said...

Well, my counter went to 0 and then reset to 72 hours (now 71 and 56 min). I keep clicking on the video camera...nothing! My Progress still has the video as unreleased.

ib4uc said...

I think it's running on overload!

Ange said...

Maven click "story so far"

jpike001 said...

click on story so far and a new video will load... it might take some time though

Tess315 said...

go to story so far and click the video picture.

memphish said...

I tried story so far Ange and got nothing new. Now it's so overloaded it won't load for me. Counting on the rest of you for info. in the meantime.

Ange said...

From SSF you have to find a video on Sam's Desk only the desk won't open.

Ange said...

Okay I think for the post for this video I am just going to post a screen cap of "connection had timed out".

jpike001 said...

can't get the video to load

Eugene said...

I have the video camera screen up and it looks like it is loading a video, but nothing yet.

maven said...

I go to Story so Far, and nothing either! There's 2 previous videos and a ? mark. I click on that and nothing. Guess it is overloaded for now...will stand by...

memphish said...

When oh when will they learn to increase bandwidth eh?

ib4uc said...

It's like a diary message.

Eugene said...

No kidding. The suspense is killing me.

jess4ua said...

I saw it, nothing new

Ange said...

Okay forget this! I want some of jpike's pizza...while I wait for it to freeze again.

ib4uc said...

OK, summary... Up til a few days ago, I worked for Oceanic. So did Sonya. He needs to know what happened. 2 months from now is going to be the 8th anniversary of when they met and he was going to propose. He's flying to Jakarta. Hitching a ride on Christiane 1. Doing this because he received message from Maxwell Group. He's had enough of waiting.

Eugene said...

Did it show Sam with an engagement ring? And he mentions that he was going to give it to Sonya on the anniversary of their something ( first date?)

ib4uc said...

Yeah, nothing that we didn't know.

jpike001 said...

haha i'll see what i can do Ange... hope you like meat lovers!

Ange said...

HA! According to my progress I not only have the video released but I have also watched it! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

jess4ua said...

See ib4uc, nothing new. UGH

ib4uc said...

This kinda sucks all around.

Eugene said...

Thanks. I saw this somewhere (DarkUFO?) a couple of days ago. That's when I figured that the game could not be happening in real time.

Eugene said...

Bit of a let down, huh? Still, it passes the time until 1/31. Happy weekend every one!

maven said...

Well, that was a waste of time! LOL
Nothing new on that. I think some of us saw that video when it was "leaked" a while a go. I guess these diaries just basically sum up each chapter as we go into the weekend!

Tess315 said...

He tells us who he is and that he and Sonya worked for Oceanic he want to find Sonya cause he didn't get a chance to ask her to marry him. He's flying to Jakarta tomorrow and hitching a ride on the Christiane 1 a salvage boat that is looking for a shipwreck somewhere in the deepest waters on the planet.And he's doing this cause he recieved a coded message in a photograph from a group called Maxwell It might seem crazy but he feels like crap and he's not going to sit around waiting to feel good again. He's had enough of waiting until it's too late.

I wonder if the Christiane 1 is looking for the Black Rock?

Like everyone said nothing we didn't already know.

ib4uc said...

Everything's been found. So I guess we're on Chapter 2? I hope it's more exciting...

Ange said...

Okay you're making me feel not so bad about STILL not seeing it.

andrew. said...

well, it summarized our progress through Chapter 1. It could have used a hook, like maybe a tease of the Christiane 1 or a new website to explore in the meantime.

at least it doesn't star Leslie Arzt.

maven said...

"Sam" is online now on MySpace. But there's no video there either.

jess4ua said...

Sam just posted this on his blog on myspace.

Thanks to everyone for joining me in my search. It's great knowing I'm not alone.

I'm going to be out of town for a little while but you can keep up with what's happening by going to

See you there!

ib4uc said...

71+ hours til Chapter 2. Off to bed -- see ya all on Monday.

Fenris said...

New Post!