Wednesday, 2 January 2008

Flickr T-Shirt Campaign

On there is a new Flickr tab underneath the login info. Seems we need to show our support for Sam! The Flickr T-Shirt Campaign asks us to.....

  • Download one of the Find815 graphics
  • Iron it onto a T-shirt
  • Upload a photo of you wearing the shirt onto the Supporter Flickr Photos
Get your irons heating!!!!

By the way, here is the Flickr pool for Find815.

UPDATE: Sam has a MYSPACE account now!

BONUS UPDATE: Look who Speaker found a photo of!

Thanks to ib4uc for the Flickr info.
Thanks to diggitydirge for the myspace account.


jess4ua said...

Hi everyone,
Guess I have to go out today and buy a t-shirt. Hahahaha!
Although I have no Idea what to do with the downloaded image. Can anyone give me an explanation of how to get the image from a piece of paper onto my shirt. Thanks!

Ange said...

Hey Jess! You can get actual iron on printer paper for inkjets or laser printers, print on it, then iron away. Although, frankly if it's just for a photo, why not just print one out and tape it to yourself, then snap one. Hehehe!

jess4ua said...

Hey Ange!
Thanks for that. I guess I could just tape it. LOL
I don't know though, I think I might need to have a know me!

ib4uc said...

ange... you beat me to the punch! I love the idea and taking a picture with it taped on a shirt and then uploading. Probably a lot cheaper than buying the iron-on applications.

DiggityDirge said...

I was so hoping someone was going ask how to feed a t-shirt into their printer :)

Fenris said...

Ironing! Fenris doesn't do ironing. Really. I own an iron, I think I used it in the 90s sometime. Wasn't very sucsessful.

You think they'd notice if I photoshopped it?

DiggityDirge said...

I'm sure you could get away with it Fenris. I don't think the approval process will be that detailed.

Ange said...

Hehe, you know Fenris, you could print the pic on paper, tape it on, and then just photoshop out the paper edges. Still, it's easier than going out and finding an actual Apolo Bar!

Although Where's Alvar did take down pics of people who had photoshopped bars into their hands and stuff.

shellma said...

Ange said...
Hey Jess! You can get actual iron on printer paper for inkjets or laser printers, print on it, then iron away. Although, frankly if it's just for a photo, why not just print one out and tape it to yourself, then snap one. Hehehe!

He he!!! I have some of that paper!!

Ok...crap! I downloaded the image, but I can't seem to open it.

Kinetic said...

New update. I own .

Just letting you guys know in case I decide to put a parody on it or something.

maven said...

Morning all: Getting caught up. Added Sam's MySpace as a friend. Love your idea to tape the pic instead of going through the bother of ironing it on!

maven said...

Well, I downloaded the pic, but there's no one home to take my photo! Have to try and set up a timer pic! (Or wait for the cleaning crew to get here and take it! LOL)

DiggityDirge said...

Hilarious Kinetic. I noticed this morning it wasn't a real site but didn't think of buying it.

Ange said...

Dark UFO is reporting on their Find 815 page that the game will conclude with Chapter 5 two hours before the premier of season 4.

Kinetic said...

I about died when i saw it was available last night.

The emails are pouring in. I don't want to be deceiving in any manner, and I'm glad I bought it before someone with other motives did.

But it would be fun to just put up some kind of parody wiki-ish site with Sunda Trench being the exact thing we see on his laptop.

It would have to be an obvious DJLena's site :D

DiggityDirge said...

Ange said...
Dark UFO is reporting on their Find 815 page that the game will conclude with Chapter 5 two hours before the premier of season 4.

It's not really a secret. It's item 17 from the help on I was bummed when I read it this morning.

People might want to read the help to figure out the flow of the game. It seems much less random than the last ARG, but fun nonetheless.

Kinetic said...

Oh. Does anyone know if Kinkos or some kind of printing service will do this print for you?

maven said...

Yes, I do suggest that you read the HELP section. It spells everything out in detail. It seems this ARG is much more structured and though-out that TLE.

Kinetic said...

It's not an ARG, it's a LOIN!

Scoutpost said...

I like the taping the paper to the shirt idea. I hate to buy a pack of iron on paper that I will probably never use again- too bad we don't all live near each other and we could split the pack.
You guys will have to let me know what happens on myspace. I had to block it on my computer and I don't really feel like going through the motions to unblock it.
Here's to happy t-shirt making!

DiggityDirge said...

kind of intersting post on Dark Ufo. Is Nathan Sam?

The site is still not ready unless we are just not using the correct username and password. I have found that a man named Nathan Mayfield is in charge of maintaining the site. Nathan works for a company in Australia called Hoodlum.

You can see a photo and narrative of Nathan Mayfield at

Doesn’t he resemble our “Sam” character? And as fellow poster Adam Mackenzie pointed out, the CEO of the company is named Tracey Robertson. (Tracey R maybe)

Ange said...

DiggityDirge said...The site is still not ready unless we are just not using the correct username and password. I have found that a man named Nathan Mayfield is in charge of maintaining the site. Nathan works for a company in Australia called Hoodlum.

The e-mail was used as the administrative contact when registering the-maxwell-grop site on Godaddy. It's under the contacts on the the link you mentioned too. I wonder if these are just the site designers? His profile mentions his television production and writing work.

maven said...

I've got my photo up on the flickr group for Find815! Here it is! I'm so proud of myself! LOL

Ange said...

HA! That rocks Maven!! Maybe Later I'll include some of our posters pics on the main page with the Flickr info. Love the binoculars!

jpike001 said...
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jpike001 said...

I just want to express how excited I am to have another ARG to participate in... I was itching for a game all hiatus long but I thought we weren't going to get it. Those Lost execs are sneaky...

maven said...

Thanks, Ange. I wanted to indicate "finding" so I thought of the binoculars! LOL

OMG: I'm on the Flickr page on the website now! Yea!

Kimber said...

Maven - you are so fantastic. I am just glad to get to play some before the show resumes.

Erin said...

/me is hurriedly playing catch up. :D

maven said...

Hey, pharmacopaeia! Welcome! Have fun playing catch-up.

Twinkle said...

I just caught up too. This is a really different ARG compared to the last one! Fun, but more canned like a computer game, less "organic" feeling. I'm not complaining just observing.

They probably did it this way to prevent the frustration and burn out from the last time. Instead they are keeping expectations and parameters clear. Very slick and professional. More accessible to the casual player. We complained, they listened, and mystery suffered. 5 hours 10 minutes to the next clue.

ib4uc said...

maven... great picture!

maven said...

Thanks, Ib4uc! It was a learning experience!

maven said...

Well, I requested to be a friend on Sam's MySpace page. Haven't been approved yet. He still only has 4 friends (including Tom LOL). Guess it's going to be a while before TPTB behind this will approve everybody.

maven said...

Yea, Jess! Cute...I saw your photo! Is the logo reversed? LOL

maven said...

I just realized I'm going to be out when the countdown clock reaches 0000! (I get to visit Elizabeth though!) I'm counting on everyone to have fun!

jess4ua said...

Maven - HAHAHAHA It is indeed! Goes to show you how good I am at this crafty stuff. I can't even believe I managed to get it done in the first place.

Pharma- HUGS! Glad to see you around!

jess4ua said...

Maven- To make it worse....I looked in the mirror and thought it was FANTASTIC! ROFL!

But hey, seems like most people are doing what Ange said, or using photoshop. At least I made the effort.

FYSB said...

Wow, I've been away for a few days and just catching up. Great to see everyone coming back. I wanted to contribute to the progress of the game, so I spent some time decoding the audio from the earlier clue. It's hard to hear, but if you listen closely it clearly says "Drink more Ovaltine"

You're welcome!

jess4ua said...

FYSB-Hey! Ovaltine? I quit! hehehe

I was actually just over at darkufo listening to that audio clip reversed. Sounds to me like it says something along the lines of...

Your into something. Sunda Trench.

But who knows?

FYSB said...

Hey Jess! I just listened to the link you posted. I think you're right, I'm pretty sure I heard Sunda Trench. Who knew that's what Ovaltine sounds like backwards?

Erin said...

Just a wee bitch on my part - it frustrates me that the 'game' or whatever it's being termed as stated at one point that you could start whenever and join the game at any time - frustrating, then, that they've already taken down (for example) Sam's bag. Kinda ruins some of the fun...

Twinkle said...

Pharm: I think the Sam's bag thing was an extra and not part of the game mainstream. Only the stuff that appears as boxes under "My Progress" counts as part of the game but it looks like TPTB are releasing all sorts of additional stuff like the Sam's bag game, Facebook, MySpace, websites, Ovaltine, etc... that may or may not also play a part in the official game. That way people get more, but they also know what is central to the ARG.

And I didn't get to play Sam's bag either. :-(

jess4ua said...

Pharma said: frustrating, then, that they've already taken down (for example) Sam's bag. Kinda ruins some of the fun...

I agree. They should leave the game sites up until it is over. Although I am not really sure TPTB consider that part of the game. I think maybe they were trying to lure people into the ARG, since packing Sam's bag supposedly gave a password for a S4 tidbit.

They have actually taken down several bits of info as well. *shrug*

Twinkle said...

Do you think Sonja is dead or is she one of the background 30 some no names?

TakesaVillage said...

just a guess,but Sonya may have been one of those taken from the Tailies camp.

maven said...

Jess: That's sooo funny with your shirt. I just double-sided taped it to my sweater. For someone so crafty, I took the easy (and fast)way out.

I agree that it's very frustrating that things come up and then they're gone. Thank goodness for blogs like ours that let people know what's going on or what they've missed. This "game" seems very structured...even with the countdown clock. It's got it's pluses and least some of us don't stay up all night looking out for clues.

Fenris said...

Hi all.

First of all, I'd like to welcome Dennis into the authors fold. So now we have Dennis, Jess, Ange and myself around to do the posts/updates.

Secondly, I notice that it's five weeks and also in the "story so far" section it lists five chapters. I think we can all do the maths on that one. Likelyhood is the remaining unreleased blocks in chapter one will turn up over the next 4 days with us moving on to chapter 2 on monday (or tuesday my time as this started around 2am for me).

maven said...

Welcome Dennis. We knew you couldn't stay away!

Capcom said...

Hi All! I've been sick today, so I didn't get out for a billboard search, I'm sorry. I hope to try tomorrow.

Your Ts look good. What Maven, you didn't make a quilted one? :o)

No FYSB! Don't let us get Ralphied again!!

Too bad no one is mirroring (or whatever it's called) these things that are getting taken offline, like the bag game. Dennis always did that for us, and does on Cloverfield too.

One good thing about knowing when things are going to happen, is that we don't have to sit at the computer 24 hours a day for this game. We can go back to real life until something is supposed to happen. :-)

See everyone tomorrow.

maven said...

Get better fast, Capcom!

maven said...

Sam's MySpace page has added everyone. He's online now...but I've got to go out. :(

Fenris said...

Hi all. Sadly it's my first day back at work after the holidays tomorrow so I can't stick around for the fun. It sucks for me, but then I could be the only person from the UK playing this time around. LOL.

So I'd just like to wish everyone goodluck and happy hunting.

Also, Ange is just preparing a post to put up for the site update (which is due in one hour and 7 minutes). The idea is to catch all the comments in the new thread rather then having an overspill. Keep your eyes peeled for it.

Night all.

DiggityDirge said...

Pharma said: frustrating, then, that they've already taken down (for example) Sam's bag. Kinda ruins some of the fun...I agree. They should leave the game sites up until it is over. Although I am not really sure TPTB consider that part of the game.

I think it is part of the game. If you read the help section, it appears to be a season 4 clue activity. I can't copy and paste, but go to and read #9and #10.

Tess315 said...

I just tried to get on find815 and couldn't. Just tried again I got on but everything is loading really slow for me.
There's probably a ton of people on there just waiting for the game to contiue.

Ange said...

sayid'sgirl: It has been like that for me since yesterday. I have even been having trouble with my green and red squares...well keeping them green. Even logged in things that had been green have gone red again. I think it's a lot of traffic and just a little glitchy perhaps.

Tess315 said...

I had that trouble yesterday with my squares changing colors but so far today I haven't.

jpike001 said...

wow there's a lot of traffic over at find815!

memphish said...

Well, the game rushes on without me. I'm just too tired after hours in the car and unpacking etc. to jump in at this point. Hilarious to pull up the flicker page and find both Jess and Maven. Hopefully I'll get started and catch up tomorrow. I'm sad I can't pack Sam's bag though.

Feel better Capcom. It's odd only 1 billboard has been found. Or is it?

As for whether or not Sonja is dead, I'm voting yes. I don't think the Fusies could ignore a flight attendant in their midst. Also I don't think a flight attendant would lay low, but would pipe up like Cindy did before Jack, Kate and Charlie went for the Cockpit and definitely on the move to the caves question. So I think Sam is out of luck in any event; unless there was someone alive in the Cockpit that we don't know about!

Eugene said...

Hi. Been lurking off and on since TLEC.

I have heard that another billboard was spotted in Ames, Iowa.

Many thanks to Fenris and Ange for setting up a place to post! 21 minutes left!

jpike001 said...

a bit of an afterthought now but I really was hopping there would be a new email or something with 8 hours and 15mins. left on the ticker... I'm just a tiny bit disappointed.

jpike001 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
DiggityDirge said...

17 glorious minutes left....anyone want to sidebet abou what the clue is? I think it will be the cell phone message that was accessed yesterday and then taken away.

jpike001 said...

i agree... It's most likely a cell phone message. Hopefully a little more as well

jpike001 said...

oh and maybe we will find out what to do with MATTHEW

Ange said...

Hi Eugene! Where did you see the new billboards info.? Can you shoot us a quick e-mail and I'll put it on the main page.

BarbaraJay said...

Hi, everybody! I don't get a countdown on find815 any more. It just says continue story and does the old stuff over and over. Maybe we'll find out what to do with the word MATTHEW.

Your flickr photos look great!

Get better, Capcom!

jpike001 said...

I just hope that whatever we get won't take to long to discover in full... I love the hunt from the last Experience but I have to leave for work in 40 mins.
9:30 EST

Eugene said...

I found the info about the Ames billboard on the ABC message board. I just e-mailed a link to the picture.

espiao said...

I can´t get in the site :(

Tess315 said...

voicemail message from mum

DiggityDirge said...

anyone found anything beside the cel phone message? The site hangs when I try to access the laptop.

Eugene said...

Click on "Story So Far". There is now a 2nd picture of a bedroom.

DiggityDirge said...

now I am getting this error when trying to access the site.

Missing Critical Scripts
Find815 is missing critical content and cannot be displayed at this time. We hope to resolve the issue shortly and apolagise for any inconvenience.

jpike001 said...

did the voicemail appear while you were on the site? or did you have to refresh? I waited and nothing happened so I tried to refresh and now I'm stuck trying to get back on

DiggityDirge said...

I juts went to Sam's desk and opened the phone. It took a minute, but then a message from Mum appeared. There was no indicator or anything. Just a guess since the message had already been uncovered.

Tess315 said...

I just clicked on that it was just Sonya's picture. I'll have to go back.

Tess315 said...

It appeared when I was on the site. I had clicked on the phone at first it was blank then the word mum came up but I didn't get any audio so I closed it and tried again and got it.

Eugene said...


hmmm... I see picture when I click on it here.

Sorry for the trouble if you can't see it.

DiggityDirge said...

alright, so find 815 is completely dead for me right now. Let me know if you find anything good. I'm going to play around at the Maxwell Group.

Eugene said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ange said...

We're working on a new post but everything is sticking at the site so hang tight.

DiggityDirge said...

from DarkUfo...

Find 815 was updated with some new content (wich I can't access right now, because it's loading slowly) and we also have 4 missing Clue Hunts.

When the site will load I'll make some screenshots.

Tess315 said...

I haven't found anything else new on find815 other than the cell phone message. And my squares are all green saying I've found everything except 2 email yet unreleased and a video and the 4 clue hunt.

memphish said...

So they've underestimated the fanatic again, eh?

DiggityDirge said...

looks like the Facebook has been updated and a ton of friends added.

Tess315 said...

Now I can't click on anything except my progress and story so far. Sam's desk items are dead for me.

Eugene said...

I think the bedroom picture is one of the 4 clues. But I'm getting nowhere on the site now.

DiggityDirge said...

glad it's working for you Sayid's Girl. Keep us posted. I'm with the crew who is locked out at the moment.

U think they could have anticipated this after the last ARG.

jpike001 said...

i have the season 1-3 clues but have no idea how to enter MATTHEW

jpike001 said...

Found it! let me know if someone needs help on any of the 4 clues

DiggityDirge said...

I sent an email to Sam. They have an email address listed on Facebook. I'll let you know if I get anything back.

jpike001 said...

Has anyone else finished yet

DiggityDirge said...

the site is still down for most of us :(

Eugene said...

I'm in. New video. Takes us to another clue search

DiggityDirge said...

one of the new vids from find815 is up on DarkUfo.

Beverly said...

The expected phone message from mum is there.

New video with a clue hunt. I found 2 clues (season 1 and 2) but can't find the third. There's something interesting on the season 1 clue.

Anonymous said...

Found the clues, typed in the code, gives the number 888 548 0034. Asks to leave a voicemail. Pft, I paid international rates for that?!

Also hello everyone, long time no see!

Joel (aka Dissonation)

DiggityDirge said...

I'm in....yeah

Anonymous said...

Do you want to know where the clues are, or is that a tad spoilery?

Beverly said...

emails are back on the laptop

jpike001 said...

Alright, I have to go to work so I leave some help for anyone who needs it.
SPOILERS don't read if you want to find the clues on your own.

First their is the message from Sam's mom that we have already heard. Click on the "story so far" button to continue to the new video. after the video you will be asked to find for clues...

Season 1 Clue: a driveshaft album on the table across from the bed
Season 2 Clue: the Pearls on the table to the left of the bed.
Season 3 Clue: The Rocking Chair next to the table across form the bed
Season 4 Clue: a note at the bottom of the lamp on the table right of the bed.

Clicking on this clue will allow you to enter a clue password... entering MATTHEW will reveal the fourth clue to be a toll free number for Oceanic
call and you can leave your name and number, for reasons i'm sure we'll find out later
Also is Sam's email as shown on his Facebook account

Have fun everyone...

Tess315 said...

i found s1 and s2 clue still looking. ahhh!

Beverly said...

I found the season 3 clue!

Beverly said...

For the season 1 clue, look at the title of the CD - "live at Jakarta"!

DiggityDirge said...

well that was easy...kind of funny we did the activity first....anything else besides the phone number?

Beverly said...

What a disappointment!

All it led to was a stupid phone number! I'm not leaving my name and number. I prefer to keep the game on my computer and away from my phone.

Beverly said...

The web sites are back on the laptop now too.

I wonder if the removal of the info about the tsunami is because it's not supposed to have happened yet?

Tess315 said...

ok finallly got the season 3 clue. I knew what it was but couldn't get the hand so I could click it.

Eugene said...

The Driveshaft CD is "Live in Jakarta".

Ange said...

New Post!

DiggityDirge said...

the hotline is the same as the one in the press release on flyOceanicAir. Georgia Cavannah.

I work in the Telecom industry. This is the standard voicemail system for a Lucent Phone switch. Press * during the message. Message options is 70, login is 81, disconnect 83.

DiggityDirge said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Beverly said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
jess4ua said...

I also find it very strange that they gave us instructions to go to our "network affiliate" to pack Sam's bag for our clue word. Makes me wonder if they took that game down because it wasn't really supposed to be up until tonight. It seemed kind of out of place to begin with.

DiggityDirge said...

new post!

Unknown said...

Is Miri Novikov in-game?