Friday, 8 February 2008

Fiction Meets Fiction- How it all comes together (Spoiler Alert)

From Find 815

From Confirmed Dead

In the first 6 episodes of Season 4 we've seen our Find 815 game clues and passwords tied into the show. Here's a brief recap of how the game has been incorporated.

Season 4 opens with views of the freckage of flight 815 as seen from ROV cameras operated by two men that are not Sam. The news reporter, recounting the story along with the footage, states that the wreckage was found by the Christiane 1, in the Sunda Trench.

From Find 815

From Confirmed Dead

We were introduced to five new characters whose names were passwords to unlock our Season 4 clues. (Click for pictures of the clues they unlocked):

All of the clues have now been accounted for as well:


memphish said...

Thanks for the summary. I was having a hard time to figure out what clues had come to pass, etc. You don't think the Santa Rosa pill bottle was just a clue about Hurley? I think it was. I also remember seeing a gas mask on the Christiane 1 though it wasn't the actual clue.

Ange said...

Good point about the gas mask. It's here if you want to have a look.

I agree the pills were probably for Hurley but we just haven't seen them yet, as I suspect we won't see Penny's phone number again either.

memphish said...

We did at least see Hurley get a pill, just not the bottle. Maybe we'll see Penny get a phone call from someone wanting to return a book. :D

maven said...

Thanks for the post, Ange, and well summed up. Makes all the hard work worth it, doesn't it? We actually saw the Christiane I on the show! Finally!

Beverly said...

Can those satellite phones dial any phone number? Why do you suppose Desmond hasn't tried to get a hold of it to call Penny? Doesn't anyone want to contact a loved one back home? Does anyone besides Desmond even HAVE a loved one back home?

Ellen said...

Peekin' in to say "hi"!

Fenris said...

Hi all. I've got a new Bullet Points up. I'm not quite caught up to talking about the first two episodes of season 4, but I am talking about what we learned from the ARG and from the missing pieces.

Black Swan said...

This is an excellent post to show how the clues from find815 and the show are tying together!

I'm thinking the Santa Rosa pill bottle could also be Daniel Faraday's? Naomi calls him a "head case".

lostit, great observation! Maybe that's where Penny's number will come into play.... Des will finally say, "Hey, can I use that phone?"

I have no idea what Southfields, 36-15-28, or 423 Cheyne Walk mean, but maybe the Red Sox reference is alluding to the fact that we see Christian in S4. ("That's why the Red Sox will never win the series", he always says)

Gonna go see Fenris' bullet points now...

Ange said...

Thanks Codysmom!

I like the idea that the Santa Rosa bottle could be Daniel's but he's in Massachusetts. Although the folks on Lost seem to travel a lot! Could be Frank's as well, he seems a little off kilter.

I have a theory about the Red Sox stuff. Actually being part of Red Sox Nation I just go giddy when I see anything Sox, but I was thinking it's a time line reference? The Sox won the World Series in 2004 but again in 2007. If it's not alluding to CS, maybe it'll bring us into 2007 as a date marker.

...and if Manny actually makes it to Spring training on time there could be a 2008 in that lineage too ;).

memphish said...

Red Sox could also be a shout-out to Daniel Faraday I suppose with his being in Red Sox Nation territory. I think it's funny that Red Sox was the Aussie clue since they wouldn't necessarily know immediately what that referred to.

maven said...

Ange: I like how you relate to the Red Sox clue as a time line marker. The years 2004 and 2007 are very important in the Lost time line, and with Christian referencing the Red Sox for 2004, I'm sure we'll see them referenced again by someone else (or even Christian/Jacob) to put us in 2007.

Laura Taylor said...

The Queens College Dept. of Physics box is not unaccounted for. Remember the box that Kate, Jack and Daniel come upon w/the gas masks & biohazard suits? Screencap that sucker if you wish, but I am positive that it had the same text on the side.

So I suppose Daniel could be from Queens College, as we know he is a physicist. He said he didn't pack the box, so maybe he and Miles worked/studied there together? However, he could have just been covering the fact that he did pack it because he knows their purpose on the island.

Penny's Number - could this be the number Desmond wants to call? I should think so. Did we ever see the back side of the love letter she wrote him?

Shots in the dark: 423 Cheyne Walk - was this the address for the exorcism Miles did? And Southfields is a region in London - possible Penny/Widmore connection here.

Ange said...

Hi Laura!
Here is the only screen cap I could find of that box. It almost looks like the area where the text is was purposely covered.

I really like your idea that the gas mask box came from Queen's College. Although from the game I get the feeling that there may have been some projection equipment in there as in the stuff used to project Sonya for Sam. Or maybe something to do with electromagnetism/optics seeing that's what they research there. But that's just MHO :).

Good eye, I would never have even thought to consider that.

maven said...

Here is the game Queen College box.

Here is the box on the island with the gas mask.

To me they look completely different. The island box is shiny. The game box has reinforcement around the edges. IMO It would be cool, though, if that was the same box.

Ange said...

I did that comparison too Maven, but then I realized that the way we saw the Oceanic Hotline number was totally different than the game, and the Tunisian newspaper wasn't the same either.

I do think though that you're right in that it's not our clue box. Who knows, maybe the clue won't even be a box, it might just be Queen's College Department of Physics, the setting or the building. I get the feeling that when we are shown the clues we'll know it for certain.

Ange said...

PS: Where did you find that screencap? I looked all over for one :D!

memphish said...

I think we're supposed to interpret these clues somewhat liberally, like all Tunisian newspapers are alike. So while Miles is a physicist, there isn't any Queens College near Essex Mass. The closest would be New York. There is however one in the Bahamas, though Nassau, not Eleuthera. And there's a Queens at Oxford where Charlotte had some schooling. What I guess I'm saying is that physics dept. may be the important part, not Queens or the exact appearance of the box.

I was talking to a friend yesterday about why the ROV footage wasn't the same as in the game, and I suspect that episode footage was shot and edited into the episode before the game footage was ever created. I wonder if the strike hadn't still been going on if they would have changed the episode footage to match the game, or if it was always the plan for them to be similar, but different.

thewonderllama said...

memphish: well with the strike over (!!!), maybe the rov footage discrepancy can be a podcast question for darlton?

maven said...

Ange: The show box shot was at Dark's screenshot section.

memphish said...

Faraday cages and Hollywood.

memphish said...

Go to Image 8 of that link. Sorry, it didn't link directly to the page.

Alisomniac said...

I agree, it was great to see all those tidbits from the ARG... but we still got to CARE about Sammy--- and we know the freckage is indeed freckage, now what about Sonya? (I miss Sam).