Wednesday, 9 January 2008

Chapter 2- Clue Hunt and a Blast From the Past

Chapter 2 continues at find815 with a video, a clue hunt for 4 clues, and 1 e-mail.

The Video:
We start with Sam laying in bed looking at the ring. He then gets up and begins to tune a radio in his cabin, moving through the static until he gets a signal. Sam hears a news report seemingly from the past about Amelia Earhart. The report states:
  • Communications with her have been lost while she is flying from New Guinea.
  • 8:43 AM today (the day of the transmission) was last communication.
  • Her plane was low on fuel, and there are other reports from "across the Pacific" of intercepted communications with her.
    • Amelia Earhart was also mentioned in the web site about the Sunda Trench found on Sam's laptop.
    • In the episode Not in Portland (Season 3), Juliet is taking a flight to the island with Herarat Aviation, which is an anagram for Earhart.
The Clue Hunt:
This takes place in Sam's Cabin where we find clues for Season 1-4. To complete the hunt you must go to or Yahoo7 , play a game, and get a password to view the Season 4 clue. The Season 4 Clue is the book on Sam's bed. If you click it, you will be prompted to enter a password. (*It seems that the site has some glitches with clicking the book. Try refresing a few times to make the book "clickable".)
  • The game is Black Rock trivia, which is played after listening to a voice mail from Tracey educating us on the subject.
  • When you get 100% you are given 1 of two passwords to open the Season 4 Clue. The passwords are: 423 Cheyne Walk OR Daniel Faraday (*Note: Originally the password for Clue 4 was 423 Cheyenne Walk, but ABC changed it to reflect an address in London.)
  1. Pillar of Smoke- your Season 1 Clue
  2. Balloon- your Season 2 Clue
  3. Ping Pong-your Season 3 Clue
  4. Penny's Number (02079460893)- your Season 4 Clue

In Sam's inbox there is an e-mail from Tracey titled, you owe me big. In it she says:

  • Talbot is from an east coast New England family with a sketchy history in the diamond trade.
  • They are reclusive in a way a LOT of money can buy.
  • They arrived in New England in 1908 from the English county of Somerset.
There are screen shots of some of the clues and various other areas of the Chapter 2 play in the Oceanic Conspiracies Photobucket. As usual, e-mail us with anything you notice, and stay tuned for updates!

Thanks to Patch for e-mailing with the second season 4 password.


Capcom said...

Quiet over here. :-)

maven said...

Well, the Amelia Earhart news story is an interesting element. We always thought Amelia was Juliet's Book Club!

Seems they've lifted all the info from Wikipedia: The last known transmission was at 8:43 AM on July 6, 1937 taken by the US Coast Guard.

maven said...

Another thought: The fact the the Talbots, formerly of Somerset County, and now from New England since 1908 (which is a very important number for me...long story!) got their money from the diamond trade. Now wouldn't that put them in Africa? And maybe they were involved in the slave trade, too. Maybe they had something to do with Black Rock since no one admitted ownership of that ship. Maybe the Black Rock had diamonds on it, too, besides gold.

Ange said...

I just got a text from Dissonation (aka Joel) and he says that Penny's number is a London number. I dunno if that helps.

Capcom said...

Good idea Maven!

Ange said...

I am in New England...PLEASE give me a real world clue to get TPTB!

maven said...

Don't you live down the street from the Talbots, Ange?

maven said...

BTW: What's Sam doing with Penny's notebook in his cabin? Could this be Penny's boat? Is Penny on board the Christiane I?

jess4ua said...

About the S4 clue. It has Penny's number on it, but it also says...If found please call Penny. Does that means that is Penny's book on the Christiane 1, or is there no relation.

jess4ua said...

OOPS, Sorry Maven - I had posted yesterday, that I thought this could be Penny's boat. All of the equipment reminds me of her plane she sent out. Also, she is Widmore's daughter, right? Maybe she coerced Talbot into searching for the Black Rock by telling him he could have the gold on it. While in the mean time, having a hidden agenda of finding the island.

Ange said...

I just updated with main page with a thanks to patch for e-mailing one of the passwords for the Black Rock game...sorry I'm late on that one :S.

maven said...

Thinking along the same lines, Jess! LOL

There's nothing on Lostpedia about Widmore being involved in the diamond trade...thought that might have been a connection with the Talbots. :(

maven said...

Very cute with the tiny hidden text for the 4th clue, Ange! LOL

Tess315 said...

I have never made an international call but what I've found searching around I think this is what you have to dial.
But of course I could be wrong.

This is the link where I found my information.

Tess315 said...

Weird when I went to and did an international search on the number it said the number was from Egypt.
But when I looked in the UK yellow pages the London numbers started with 020.
Like I said I don't really know what I'm doing.

Ange said...

Sayid's Gril: It is London, I asked someone who lives there. Also, I call England a lot, and I tried the number cos I just had to try it on my own, and got the same results. ;).

Okay Gang, that's it for me...I have to hit the sack, I am too tired to think about what all of this means right now.

Great Job everyone!

Tess315 said...

I guess looking at it again +1 would equal 011.
Well I'm going to bed.

Kimber said...

Good job gang!

Ange said...

Sayid's Girl...OMG my comment sounded so snippy, I'm sorry. GOOD WORK looking up all that number information! Okay, now I really *am going to bed!

winged_eel said...

It looks like the number is not in service. I have dialed it like you are supposed to through Skype and it says number does not exist...maybe it will be up tomorrow?

Ange said...

A note from Dissonation in London (from iPhone in bed...see I told the truth), I was told to try Penny's number dropping the first 0 and then adding the country code, etc (like winged_eel posted in the other thread)...still the same results.

He tried it from there and it is a dead number even locally maybe we need to look at the numbers as numbers and not just try to call them. Could they mean something else? Or again, maybe it's just there for effect (like Sam's silly web sites) and it's dead so we don't pester someone in London at 4 am.

Beverly said...

They're saying on DarkUFO that Penny's phone number is fake - it's the UK equivalent of a 555-xxxx number here in the US.

maven said...

Well, maybe the number IS fake, and it was just supposed to show us that Sam and/or the Christiane I and/or Oscar Talbot has a connection with Penny.

winged_eel said...

I think it is real, or rather supposed to be real, and there is a problem.

That or we have to dial it on Sam's phone..(doubt it)

Patch said...

'I just updated with main page with a thanks to patch for e-mailing one of the passwords for the Black Rock game...sorry I'm late on that one :S'-Ange

Thank's Ange.
I'm really enjoying the new game. I think they've done a great job so far, even with the glitches. :)

Has anyone living in England tried calling the number yet?

Beverly said...

According to the link posted on DarkUFO, it's a number reserved for drama in the UK just like 555-xxxx phone numbers are used on TV and in movies here.

Check out the link. The number can't be real.

I think Maven is right, that it's just to show that the Christiane I or someone on it is connected to Penny somehow.

Patch said...

Ah, thanks Lostit. That would make sense. :)

Amused2bHere said...

I would have loved to see somebody 'vandalize' the oceanic billboard in NYC. Probably did it in the middle of the night, and I'm sure they still drew a crowd!

Unless they used a photo sensitive paint that took a few days to darken...and so the grafitti just 'appeared'! Wouldn't that be cool?

inatrancer said...

pennys number does seem to be fake 020 is the london code, the next 4 numbers indicate the local area code, however the prefix 7946 according to british telecom does not exist sorry.the plot thickens
inatrancer, england

Ange said...

Good Morning, I am happy to report that there are no glitches, clue changes, or information that I need to update or change on the main page.

I did have a quick look at Long Delayed Echo this morning. But it seems an intercepted transmission from 1937 might be pushing this idea a little.

Radio waves bounce off the ionosphere, could magnetic interference (of an unusual proportion) have that much of an effect on the amount of time they delay or echo?

memphish said...

So working off the idea that this could be Penny's boat, has anyone compared screen shots of Penny talking to Charlie in the S3 finale with boat interiors we've seen so far?

Strange that they would give us a 555 style phone number for Penny. They knew we would call it of course. I wish they'd set up a fake answering machine instead. Has anyone seen any progress on the apparent address?

And speaking of fake answering machines, has anything ever come of the Oceanic phone numbers?

memphish said...

Slave Ship Search is live. Better try again. :D

memphish said...

So now we have the Black Rock headed east; Amelia Earhart headed east and 815 headed east, but the Sunda Trench is west. By this logic(?) does this mean heading to the Sunda Trench will put you near Fiji? The Nigerian drug plane is the odd man out in all this since it ended up far west in either event of anywhere else in Africa.

Tess315 said...

It wasn't snippy at all. I was just tired and ready for bed.
By the way I sent you an email at oceanicconspiracies.

Ange said...

Sayid's Girl: Reply sent :)

Also, let me preface by saying I have read zero spoilers for season 4, but I was chatting the my resident expert engineer and a Faraday Cage seems to be relevant to what may or may not be happening with the magnetic fields in the area of the Sunda Trench (per the ship's equipment, etc.). These cages are pretty much in anything electrical to avoid electromagnetic interference. A Faraday Cage works off the principles of Maxwell’s Equations, which “describe the interrelationship between electric field, magnetic field, electric charge, and electric current (from Wiki).”

This is a total teacher thing, but at our Museum of Science in Boston we have a theater of electricity, with a big Faraday Cage. When demonstrated, a man can stand in it and be safe from lightning that is striking the outside of the cage. To get out of the cage the electricity has to be shut off or dispersed by touching the cage with a metal rod. Is this what is happening every 108 min. on the island?

Both Maxwell and Faraday are names that have been dropped for us so far in the game, and certainly the concepts apply. So what does this mean? Is there some sort of manufactured Faraday Cage around the island that is being enhanced and/or manipulated by the seemingly strange electromagnetic properties of the Sunda Trench area?

Tess315 said...

Sent reply explaining my unusual thought processes.

Ange said...

PS: I know I'm not the first to post such stuff, I just thought it might be a good discussion sparker...and sorry for the long comment...yikes!

Tess315 said...

That is certainly interesting. It sounds like the Swan hatch it's self may have been a Faraday cage. Especially since it was underground. And if I read correctly the cage can also block radio waves?
I really like this theory. I think you really have something here.
TPTB did say it could be explained with science.

Ellen said...

Good Morning all!
Something just occurred to me while I was catching up this morning...and I know this is probably way off, but in the all-time nonfavorite episode "Expose", didn't Nicki and Paolo steal diamonds that were acquired through the black market since Nicki stated something along those lines when they were opening the safe where they were kept? Wonder if there's a connection?....

FYSB said...

Hi OC Gang! Can someone help me? I found the S1-S3 clues on find815, went to and got the S4 clue. Per their instructions I went back to find815 and can't for the life of me figure out where to enter my S4 clue. I would like to blame TPTFU, but I'm afraid this time it's plain ol' operator error.

Tess315 said...

Go to story so far click on the Chapter 2 clue hunt. Skip the video to get to the room. You'll have to click through the Season 1-3 clues again then click on the book on Sam's bed and it will open up the clue so you can type in your clue words.

Tess315 said...

sorry I got your name wrong. I think I'm dyslexic.

Ange said...

fysb I had that problem last night too...had to refresh two or three times to make the book clickable.

I just updated the main page with a link to a picture of Sam's Cabin (season 4 clue) that indicates all the things you need to click on. Hope it helps.

maven said...

Morning all!

FYSB: I had the same problem last night with that 4th clue. Finally figured it out! LOL

Ange: Really like your explanation of the Faraday Cage and the Maxwell's Equation. We have always known that the producers use names for a reason, and this might help he explain about whomever discovered the island's properties, tried to control it.

Ellen: YES! I was thinking along those lines yesterday that diamonds might be involved in Oscar Talbot's search since his family money comes from the diamond trade. I thought it might have to do with the Black Rock, since diamonds were also mined in Africa (along with gold) and there might be a diamond shipment hidden on the Black Rock. But those Nikki/Paolo diamonds could figure into this. OMG, are we actually giving some weight to the Nikki/Paolo characters? LOL

Ellen said...

LOL! I agree, wouldn't it just be the most ironic thing if there is a connection?
I think I'll go watch "expose" again (ugh...) and look for clues...


Unknown said...

maven: That's the crazy thing about hated characters. You never see their contributions coming because you (we) are too busy hating them.

Is there a more hated character in pop culture--and I don't mean "hated" as in "villain", but "hated" as in "what in the name of Pete is this character doing on this show?"--than Jar Jar Binks?

And yet, for as awful a character as he was, Jar Jar performed perhaps the most important act in the entirety of Star Wars canon: he made Senator Palpatine the Emperor. End of the Republic, end of the Jedi, beginning of the whole downward spiral.

So I wouldn't be shocked at all, considering we've already been shown that N&P were the first ones into the Pearl, that they had a significance we wouldn't have expected.

memphish said...

Neat stuff on Faraday and Maxwell Ange. I'm going to not try to think about it too hard because 1) I'm not a scientist and 2) I'm trying not to let myself get too speculative about S4.

Ellen said...

Kyle-I agree! N/P were just the most ridiculous characters, but I think maybe the storyline about the diamonds could really be relevant here...still watching (yuk!) that episode...and **lurking**.


memphish said...

With all the Talbot speculation do we think that he does have an employer (Penny possibly what with the book) or is he working for himself or his family?

Tess315 said...

I don't know who he's working for maybe Oceanic. But I don't think it's Penny. She didn't seem to know that there was a boat at all. And I'm not sure where she was transmitting from.

jess4ua said...

Ange - since you brought it up, hehehe. I was doing some research yesterday. I was thinking about how the island could be invisible, and I came up with this on Nationalgeographic.
This would go along to with how Penny's equipment picked up the island for a second, when the electromagnetic field in the hatch was disturbed. I am also finding a lot of other things about electromagnetism, such as mind control and fertility issues. Maybe I will post those later.
Also, if that book in Sam's cabin is trying to tell us that Penny is involved, I think she pretty much knows where the island is. So if she is sending a boat to the Sunda Trench, then I def thing they are going to the island. However, of course, we don't know for sure yet if that is her boat or not.

Ellen said...

Oh, and Ange- the info about Maxwell and Faraday was excellent! Great research girl!!!


jess4ua said...

Sayid's girl - I see what you are saying, but if the time set here is AFTER S3, it could be possible that she has sent a boat, since then. But who knows, hopefully we find out.
Ange- also, I like the echo effect idea too.

memphish said...

Hey what if Talbot is Penny's ex who she was engaged to while Desmond was in prison. That could explain why he might have a book of hers. Why it would be in Sam's room, that I don't know. Has anyone been able to identify what the book is? There's a book by Uri Geller, the ESP guy on the book shelf by the ping pong paddles.

Unknown said...

Man, I just lost a long comment. Damn Blogger.

Anyway, the thing that's been bugging me is that TPTB are setting themselves up to have to provide a compelling connection between the Sunda Trench region and the South Pacific.

If that's where the Island is, how did 815 and the Black Rock get there? If it's not where the Island is, then why is everyone looking there and why does the area behave like the Island does? And how did the Beechcraft get to either location?

And "it was a wormhole" is not a valid explanation. So I'm hesitantly hopeful that something good comes of this.

jess4ua said...

Ange- I just thought of something else. The invisible wall around the Others camp, seems just like some sort of Faraday cage. And if Smokey is some kind of "electrical being", that might explain why he can't get in it. Maybe you were hinting at that, but I thought I would say it.

jess4ua said...

Kyle - the article doesn't say it was a wormhole, well not the science fiction time warp kind. However, They are able to create a "tunnel" that kind of "cloaks" an object using electromagnetic energy.

Ellen said...

Jess- read the NG article...great info! Fits right in with my theory!
You can see it here:

There are all sorts of possibilities with this information!


Unknown said...

jess!! That's hilarious. I hadn't even gotten around to clicking through on your link! Totally unrelated comment!

I was just trying to come up with the most trite way TPTB could explain the jump of thousands of miles instantaneously.

Scoutpost said...

Good morning everyone. I'm all caught up in the game (pretty exciting stuff), but totally behind on comments from yesterday. Going to catch up, BBL.

Capcom said...

Hi All, great comments and work on the game! I'm still sick, so I'm watching and living it vicariously through you all still.

Fascinating info about the Farady cage. In the Swan, perhaps it's built into the geodesic dome over the computer area.

Wow Ellen, that would be funny payback from TPTB if we have to smack our heads that our disdain "killed off" N&P when they were actually an integral part of the overall diamond story. Yikes.

LOL, Kyle, I was thinking that TPTB were going to give us a wormhole between the two points as well. :o)

jess4ua said...

HAHAHA, oh Sorry Kyle, I thought that was unusually rude of you. ROFL!!!

Capcom, I am sorry you are still sick...sheesh! Hope you feel better soon.

Capcom said...

Very interesting article Jess! Thanks for passing it on. Sounds like Fenris' and my fave thought about applying Einstein's Unified Field theory (i.e. the Philly Experiment) to the show. The article also brings to mind the light-bending cloaking of the Preditor. :o)

Scoutpost said...

Not quite caught up yet, but:

1st- poor Ellen going to watch "Expose" again to try to find clues. That is really taking one for the team!

2nd- TBP- good point about N/P and the parallels to Jar Jar.

3rd- Hmmm...what was the name of the guy that N/P stole the diamonds from?

4th- Ange, your research reminds me of that movie with Hugh Jackman-was it The Prestige? Anyway, kind of what Tesla was doing with his machine, all the electricity around it, but in the center the person was ok- and then you found out that everytime someone or thing went into the machine and it was turned on, that a duplicate was made.

Tess315 said...

So sorry to hear you are still sick. Take it easy and I hope you feel well soon.

Ange said...

Capcom, sorry you're still sick!

Scoutpost, your #4 is my thoughts exactly! I think that movie has some parallels to the show.

Everyone, thanks for taking the time to read that big long yikes comment of mine :D. I do really think that with all of the electromagnetic stuff, plus the name dropping, it may be something. Maybe each hatch is a Faraday Cage in its own right.

Jess, I think that makes a lot of sense about a Faraday Cage being able to keep Smokey out of places! And I really like the Wormhole idea too. It's so interesting that it's happening on a small scale now...the writers have hinted that the show is based on science that is real and maybe beign developed.

Also, Ange has a problem, and it is called I-can-not-stop-editing-the-main-page-to-make-it-more-organized. I am done now, and have gotten everything into a better order up there.

Have a great afternoon everyone!

Capcom said...

Thanks for the well wishes buds. :-X

Scoutpost, good thought, they were trying teleportation, but actually only achieved duplication. Sounds a lot like the Orchid video.

Scoutpost said...

You know my thought about Penny's book when I 1st saw it was wondering why Sam had it (I think memphish mentioned this). I mean I assumed that it had been stolen from Penny, so I wonder if Penny is on board or what connection does Talbot or Sam have with her that they have her book?

Unknown said...

Doc Jensen had something to say about The Prestige in one of his older LOST columns.

And the original owner of N&P's diamonds was Zuckerman.

Unknown said...

...which is loose German for "sugar daddy." I don't think there's anything to be found there, at least not anything that's appropriate to discuss in mixed company, if you catch my drift.

Capcom said...

LOL, TBP. :o)

FYSB said...

Thanks for the help guys!

I'm loving the Faraday cage theories. This reminds me of those TLE days when I learned so much from everyone's theories and research.

If Penny's book is on the Christiane, is it there because Sam brought it or because he found it there? And I'm a heck of a lot more interested in the contents than her phone number.

Scoutpost said...

Thanks Kyle! I didn't think Zuckerman's name would come out to be something important, or at least obvious, but never hurts to check!

Me too FYSB, I want to know what's in the book! Sam- turn the page!

maven said...

WOW, you guys have been busy trying to come up with all the answers! Everything makes sense. I really like Jess pointing out that the Faraday Cage could be the sonic fence around Otherville keeping an electronic monster out.

Also, I like Memphish's take on Talbot and Penny having a history either before Desmond or even after. Maybe he's searching for Desmond, too, so he can win Penny's heart with Desmond out of the picture. That would explain why Penny's notebook is on the Christiane, but not why it's on Sam's bunk. (Unless it was just stuck in with the other reading material above the bunk, and he found it obvious and simple, I'm sure.)

Maybe the Amelia Earhart news report is just showing us how strange the area is that they're heading into is. I'm far from scientific, but the broadcast can just be illustrating the strange ways radio waves operate around the Sunda Trench.

Hopefully, all the wide holes will be filled in soon.

Ellen said...

Look what I found!! This guy is into biomedical research...whoa.
Look under Related Topics at the bottom of the page, about 7 arrows down...

I know this is probably not at all related to the show, but what a weird coincidence!!!!

Ellen said...

By the way, could someone tell me how to make clickable links in these posts? I thank you !!!!


Ange said...

Ellen, I e-mailed you that info about linking (to the address in your profile). Hope it helps!

Unknown said...


Type this, but without spaces:

< a href=" "> Clickable Text < / a>

maven said...

Ellen: I'll try!
This is the way I do it (someone might have an easier way). I'm going to "spell" it out for you, otherwise, I can't post this:

Put the sign < before a href=" then cut and paste the url followed by quote marks and > then type the word you want in blue followed by </a and close with >.

Ellen said...

Ange, Kyle, Maven,
You guys are so great! Thanks for the very helpful info!


Ellen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ellen said...

One thing I noticed on the website on Sam's desk about Sunda Stories-
In 1973 French sailor disappears during round the world expedition.

Desmond was on that same route I'll bet! Could that be the reason he ended up on the island?

What do you guys think?


Fenris said...

Hey guys, I'm all caught up. It's a pain I have to be up early thursday, friday and this week saturday too so can't be around when the stuff happens.

Glad to see this one is causing so much discussion and I'm loving the theories.

Has anyone seen the 80s film Millennium with Kris Kristofferson? The premise was that people from the future were transporting people out of disasters in the past (i.e. people that were going to die and wouldn't be missed) to help save the future. The film starts with a plane crash where the passenders are rescued and taken to the future . This is all starting to sound a bit like that, only combined with the Prestiege (great film btw, unlike Millennium, which was a great idea but ended up kinda boring) and the whole plane being transported/copied instead of just the passangers.

Fenris said...

Interestingly that film was based on a book of the same name too.

Fenris said...

Film Link
Book Link

Capcom said...

You're right Fenris, there are similarities.

TakesaVillage said...

One more well wish for you Capcom.
Nice work one helping to crack the Billboard mystery.
Hello others;
thanks also for the link info.I'll file it in my "old dog,new tricks" file and work on my blogging techniques.
Ellen good point about Desmond and the round the world trip.
I'd like to see Mr. Widmore's
contest route.
Also did you guys see Rachel in her find 815 shirt? Do you think she'll show up this time?

Twinkle said...

Amelia Earhart: So someone on DarkUFO reminded me that there's an Amelia with the others. Maven mentioned the same thing. Amelia Earhart was born in 1897 so the Amelia in the bookclub couldn't possibly be her. That's what we all said but now we know there's something fishy about the aging of the Others! Remember Richard Alpert?

Did you see the theory that the Christiane 1 is actually "not Penny's boat" and the book Sam had is part of their cover to make the Losties think they are Penny's boat? More here

maven said...

FYI: Apparently, according to DarkUFO, ABC has changed the clue to 423 Cheyne Walk which is a real place in London. Speculation is that it is the place where Des and Penny took their picture along the Thames. And, with that French guy going missing during a world expedition on the Sunda stories list, Desmond and Penny seems to be getting deeper and deeper into this search for 815.

Also, hurry up and get all better, Capcom.

Takes a Village: That Rachel pic is a fan generated one.

Fenris: The Millenium story does have a lot of similarities with the show. But, by taking people from the past to populate the future, doesn't the universe have a way of course-correcting? It's the butterfly theory that everyone has a place in every timeline.

Ange said...

maven said...FYI: Apparently, according to DarkUFO, ABC has changed the clue to 423 Cheyne Walk which is a real place in London.

I saw that when I got home, and tried the new word in Clue didn't work, but the old one did. Anyone else try?

maven said...

Memphish: I did see Team Brazil's theory, and it definitely seems plausible. I'm really hoping that this time around, some of our elements of this "game" get into the show (unlike TLE1). It would be great if Sam's on either the freighter or the Christiane I is Penny's boat, etc. TPTB are sure dropping hints how involved Penny could be in this Find815 thing.

Twinkle said...

I hadn't thought much about Penny being the one sending Sam the secret e-mail messages but it makes sense. The only thing that bugs me is that Christiane 1 is not a freighter, right? It's a smaller ship? So it couldn't be the one that Sam is on. Unless next Sam bumps into a crewman with the name of the other Season 4 passowrd.

Twinkle said...

Although how would Penny know that 815 ended up the same place as Desmond?

Twinkle said...

Sorry stupid comment. She learned that from Charlie didn't she. Then that would place Sam on the timeline after that.

Twinkle said...

Sorry for so many comments. I looked back at the Lostpedia summary of that episode and it seems Penny did not find out from Charlie that he was from 815. Can anybody confirm whether she did or not? Thanks!

maven said...

OT; I also see on DocArtz that 2 of our LOST directors got nominations from the DGA:
Jack Bender for "Through the Looking Glass" and Eric Laneuville for "The Brig". YEA!

shellma said...

Twinkle said...
I hadn't thought much about Penny being the one sending Sam the secret e-mail messages but it makes sense.
Wow!!! Could be!! Maybe she is having to do this on the sly because of her father!!! Good one!

takes a village said... \Hello others
HEY! Don't call me an "other"! ;)

maven said...

I also like the idea that Penny could be the secret emailer! She could have heard about Sam in the news. But, I'm still wondering why she sent him to the Sunda Trench. It's so hard to go against all we've been led to believe since S1 that they're in the South Pacific somewhere. Something else must be going on in the Sunda Trench...either the set-up Flight 815 wreck, or another Black Rock. I'm so confused!

shellma said...

Well, Mav.....if the boat DOES have something to do with Penny, maybe when her peeps picked up the electromagnetic flux, the could only pinpoint it so closely....
And who's to say that her peeps were the only ones who picked up the electromagnetic flux. twinkle said, the ship Sam's on is def not a "freighter". Too small. SO that helps our Christiane1/Penny's bout theory!

maven said...

Here is a pic of Penny when Charlie was talking to her in "Through the Looking Glass". In the background, it seems to me, that she is in an office setting, not a ship's cabin. It's paneled, has book shelves (not protected from falling off, like books are on a ship), some shelves with loose papers and a globe. There's also a picture or TV screen over her shoulder. I don't think she's on a ship. She might be in some office that has a communications set-up that she's been monitoring.

maven said...

On second look, the pic over her left shoulder seems to be a world map showing North and South America (it seems to be in black and brown with white on the top and bottom).

Joseph Finchum said...

Hey all,

A thought on how the plane could have jumped a thousand miles of course.

Electromagnetic anomally... what if the plane is cruising along at what the pilot thought was a certain speed, but in actuality the gauge for the air speed was only registering what the engines were putting out, while the plane was being accelerated towards the island and the electronic phenomana (sp?) Traveling at a much faster rate then what was true to the plane. Being that high up there is no reference for gaugeing speed by sight so your at the mercy of the plane's instraments. This being said, the accelerated rate that the plane was travelling is what tore it apart in the first place...

Just thinking in type again.

Unknown said...

maven: That's a world map. The white areas are the poles. The Europe/Asia/Africa side of the globe is just cut off by the screen. See here.

My bet is that she's on land.

Capcom said...

Thanks for the extra get-wells. :o)

Interesting Ded. If the regular airspeed indicators were not working due to the electronics garbling, maybe a rate can be guesstimated by the apparent speed of the engines and some math? Hmmm.

Ange said...

Twinkle I just watched the Penny/Charlie conversation on YouTube Here.

She *does* learn from Charlie that he was on flight 815. She also hears him calling for Desmond.

Also Maven/TBP , you'll like this. Charlie asks her if she is on her boat and she responds, "I'm not on a boat. Who's Naomi?"

Twinkle said...

Hey, Ded! I like what you're saying about the extra acceleration. Agree Penny would know where to send Sam because of the listing post that picked up the electromagnetic overload on the island. Also in the Looking Glass ep, I thought Penny says she wasn't on on a boat.

Still if Penny is leading Sam to the island via the Christiane 1, then she's made a connection between Desmond's and flight 815's disappearance. How did she put that together?

If the ARG events are real time after the end of Season 3 and Sam is on his way to the island, maybe the boat that gets our Losties off the island isn't the freighter but the Christiane?

Twinkle said...

Awesome, Ange! Thanks! That settles it then. She found out about the connection with flight 815 from Charlie. Now she's sending Sam to investigate. So Talbot would be working for Penny too or is he part of something else?

Twinkle said...

How come I can never get my thoughts in a single post? Mommy brain strikes again! If these theories are true, then that would place it on the timeline between seasons 3 and 4, right?.

Fenris said...

Maven Said: "The Millenium story does have a lot of similarities with the show. But, by taking people from the past to populate the future, doesn't the universe have a way of course-correcting?"

Well, the idea was that they were only taking people that were due to die and wouldn't have their bodies found (either that or they had donnor corpses done up to have their dental records, I can't remember, it was a long time since I saw it and it wasn't that good). The idea being it wouldn't effect the timeline. That was until something went wrong that got Kris Kristopherson involved. Lol.

I'm not sure I can remember what happened in the end. Really it was just the idea of zapping people off a plane that is about to crash.

jess4ua said...

Maven - I agree. That pic of Penny looks like she is in an office somewhere. However, that was the end of S3, she could be anywhere now. Guess it all depends on the mysterious timeline of the game.

Shellma - I agree that the freighter Naomi is involved with is not Penny's boat. If at all Penny has a boat, it would def. have to be a different one.
Also, I was thinking the same thing the other day, that there were probably other people who picked up the island when the hatch blew up.

Also, I forgot about there being an Amelia on the island....HMMMMMM!

maven said...

From what we've gathered from promos, etc., the freighter might be full of what Ben calls the bad guys. The Christiane I doesn't seem to fit that bill. We haven't seen much of it yet...only Oscar Talbot seems to fit that bill of being a bad guy. We don't know yet how much of the crew is really working for Talbot and not Captain Ockham.

Okay, we now know that Penny is not on a boat and that she knew Desmond could be with the survivors of 815. Where do we go from there? We still need some solid info as to why her book is on Sam's bunk. I'm so mixed up with the time line of what's going on...S3 supposedly ends Dec. 23rd. Oceanic goes up again on Dec. 31st. Has Sam begun his own search for 815 prior to Dec. 31st (seeing news footage of him leads me to believe so)? The tsunami occurs on Dec. 26th. Am I looking at this wrong?

jess4ua said...

Maven - even if Penny is not on the boat, it could be that she hired Talbot to do the searching. What I have been thinking is that she is taunting him with finding the Black Rock full of gold (or maybe diamonds). Even if Penny is not involved, I really think that Talbot is after the Black Rock.

maven said...

Jess: I totally agree with you that Talbot is going after the Black Rock. I wonder what info he has that has lead him to the Sunda Trench. Has Penny sent him mysterious emails, too? LOL Sam is also being manipulated to take the same route as Talbot. The fact of Penny's book has led us to think Penny's behind this whole thing.

jess4ua said...

OH, but Penny could be on the Christiane 1 if the timeline for this game is after the end of S3. Charlie seeing her in the hatch doesn't mean she is not on a boat now. Also, considering Sam's radio incident, couldn't Penny have been in a different "time" than Charlie, at the moment they had a conversation in the underwater hatch, if the radio waves can be distorted as in what Ange said earlier.

jess4ua said...

I also like the idea (can't remember who posted it) that Widmore sent Naomi and the freighter. I mean, who else would have a pic of Desmond and Penny together?

jess4ua said...

Can you tell I am bored. LOL Having to sit with a heating pad. I am trying to think of all the different possibilities, and remember the ideas that have been posted. :D

Ange said...

Maven: I did go and replay the Black Rock game, and you are correct the new password is 423 Cheyne Walk. Dark UFO just has it spelled wrong which is why it would not work...LOL

Twinkle said...

I like that idea that there might have been a time distortion in the Charlie/Penny conversation at the end of S3!

Catalog of ideas:

1) The freighter could have been sent by Widmore to pose as being from Penny to gain the Losties trust.

2)Penny could have been using equipment in her father's office when she and Charlie talked.

3)Penny then arranged for Sam to go out to the same area. She could also have chartered the Christiane 1 through Talbot. How did her book get on the Christiane? She could be on the boat too or her family could own it or ? I like the idea of Talbot actually being a good guy when he's been set up so far as a bad guy. Just like TPTB.

And why bring Amelia Earhart into this whole thing? If Amelia is *the* Amelia, why did she choose to stay with the Others? What have they got?

The possibility I'm most excited about is the Christiane showing up at the same time the Losties and freighter people hook up.

Twinkle said...

Maven: Here are some more timeline ideas.

I like the idea that Naomi was lying about 815 being found as part of the ruse Widmore wants to put over on the Losties.

Twinkle said...

If that guy's theory (see previous link) about the outcome of the ARG is true, then I'm sad. :-(

maven said...

Twinkle said: "I like the idea that Naomi was lying about 815 being found as part of the ruse Widmore wants to put over on the Losties."
That wouldn't explain Cooper also saying the same thing as Naomi about the wreakage ofOceanic 815 being found and everyone was dead.

Twinkle said...

Dude, it wasn't just Naomi. Anthony Cooper also said the wreckage had been found. It's very possible the ARG is before Oceanic found the "815 wreckage" and therefore before Penny and Charlie's conversation (assuming no time distortion) and before Naomi and the freighter left for the island. So then the fake wreckage is what Sam's going to find. :-(

I guess then Talbot could be a bad guy - part of the Others' network or whoever else might have faked the wreckage. His job is to make sure the fake gets found and reported. In that case Sam's e-mails would be coming from the Others/bad guys/whoever faked the wreckage. What better spokesman than a publicly distraught grieving lover to convince people the wreckage is real?

Twinkle said...

You remembered before me, Maven. I had to check Lostpedia. So much Lost trivia has just slipped my mind. I so want to get the DVD's when the series is all said and done!

Tess315 said...

I was just on a website that said there are 6 London streets called Cheyne Walk.
I wonder which one is ours?

maven said...

Twinkle: Your scenario doesn't quite line up with the end of S3...which is supposedly Dec. 23rd. So Naomi is on the island Dec. 23rd having told them about the wreakage in the trench. Cooper tells them the same thing.

Your scenario would be one of "filling in the gap" as to how the wreakage was found and by whom. Hopefully, this will tell us who was behind a probable fake for the world.

Twinkle said...

Yeah, I'm changing my mind. Does it make sense for the ARG to be before the end of season 3, before Naomi even leaves for the island? I haven't been keeping track of the dates of things.

Ellen said...

Two things I'd like to point out:
1) the background in the transmission between Penny & Charlie in the Looking Glass looks very familiar-as in Hanso's office in the Sri Lanka Video here:
Sri Lanka Video

We learned that Hanso's offices were in the Widmore building in NY (also from TLE I), so my guess would be that Penny is possibly using the old equipment in their offices to communicate with the island once the EM surge was spotted. She kind of acted like she was very surprised at the existence of an Island and it's location. Why was she having those guys in Antarctica monitor for EM anomalies in the first place, she wasn't looking for Desmond?

2) In "The Brig", Cooper said the plane crashed in the Pacific Ocean, not the Indian Ocean....or am I an idiot? IS Bali/Sunda Trench in the Pacific or the Indian?

Hmmmmm, indeed!


Tess315 said...

Such a cute avatar.
I like your number 2 idea.
I just can't wrap my head around why Penny's book was on that boat. There are so many possiblities.

Ange said...

twinkle said...She could also have chartered the Christiane 1 through Talbot. How did her book get on the Christiane? She could be on the boat too or her family could own it or ?

This may be way too simplistic, but could the book be there just to show us that Penny had at one time been on that boat. Maybe she hired it, stayed in the same quarters as Sam is now, and he found it somewhere in the cabin?

jess said...Also, considering Sam's radio incident, couldn't Penny have been in a different "time" than Charlie, at the moment they had a conversation in the underwater hatch, if the radio waves can be distorted

That's pretty neat thinking. It reminds me of that Dennis Quaid/Jim Caviezel movie Frequency. Although that takes the idea of Long Delayed Echo and REALLY stretches it.

Scoutpost said...

Perhaps Penny chartered the Christiane through Talbot (which would make him good/bad?) and she gave him the book because it has all coordinates and info re: the electromagnetic anomaly written in it that she got from the guys in the ice hut. That way it would be plausible for the book to be on the ship, perhaps even Ockham had it, etc. Of course the problem is answering why they are going to the Black Rock and the Sunda Trench...

Twinkle said...

Thanks, Sayid's Girl. Not my idea though. I'm processing through what people are saying her and on DarkUFO.

Ange, you're right that it could be as simple as Penny was on that boat.

I'm strongly persuaded that Sam is being manipulated by the people behind the 815 cover-up. Widmore would have no reason to be behind the cover-up, right? I don't think it's Oceanic itself. I think Sam and Oceanic are going to be victims of the ruse. Is Talbot an Other?

Tess315 said...

Hey guys do you know that theres a website on Amelia Earhart on Sam's laptop and some new emails?

Tess315 said...

Oh and there's a new voicemail message too.

Twinkle said...

There are! So then to what is the countdown clock referring when it says there's a day left before the story continues?

Scoutpost said...

Do you think the Christiane 1 could be near the island when Sam heard the Amelia Earhart broadcast? Like Sayid and Hurley heard the Glenn Miller song on the radio? If that phenomenon occurs in a certain area, then you could reason that the Christiane could be near the island.

Scoutpost said...

Twinkle- (Hi BTW- good to see you back!) The countdown to the story continuing usually refers to another video of Sam doing whatever comes next and a clue hunt/game, etc. In between we've been getting voicemails and emails. Ok- off to see what's there.

Tess315 said...

I'm assuming we will get Sam's second video diary tomorrow. Then we wait til Monday for Chapter 3.

Twinkle said...

True. I always thought the Glenn Miller broadcast was a time distortion thing. I'm still mulling over the implications of the Penny/Charlie conversation having a time distortion. I definitely think the Amelia Earhart broadcast was a distortion. One of the new e-mails is about the camera not working which could be the result of electromagnetic distortions. He's near the island or another similar hotspot. Doesn't mean though that he'll find the island instead of the fake wreckage. It could mean though that the fake wreckage is near Lost island.

Twinkle said...

I didn't realize the e-mails and voicemails were coming in between the countdown events. Thanks!

Carol Dunstan said...

Hey guys, I'm short on time so have skimmed a lot.

Maven commented about the possibility of the game linking to the show via characters/actors. I know that the actor that plays Sam (Roger Corser) was involved in a tv shoot from early July that went for four months. Someone posted on Ninja's blog that the game filming was done in December. I don't know that poster and I'm not game to ask them more about it on Ninja's blog for fear of being the cause of him posting "what game?" :-P Anyway, I think that really narrows the possibilites of Sam showing up on the show. I haven't done any digging on Marshall Napier (Ockham) and we still don't have a confirmed identity for Talbot's actor do we?

I remember looking into something with the last game that involved points of the world being connected, like Bermuda Triangle and others. I can't for the life of me remember what they are called and I haven't had a chance to try and find some of my old postings to look into it all again. the talk of teleportation and duplication has reminded me of something else that came up with the last game... an incident that occured off the US coast witha ship disappearing... I t's all very hazy now, so I can't rememebr for certain whether duplication was involved, but anyway, wanted to throw that out there so anyone with more time than me may be able to look into it.

As for why someone looking for 815 is looking around Indonesia when I really can't fathom how the plane got that far off course (which I also remember thinking when Naomi mentioned it in the show), it makes me think of Bad Twin... the detective went to Florida looking for the brother first, before having to go elsewhere. Is Sam going to end up at The Rocks and an attempt on his life made a la the Bad Twin detective? Dunno, but I do feel that the Christiane is merely a stepping stone. Nothing links 815 to Indonesia except Naomi, did Cooper say where the plane was found? Better end this here before I ramble any more

jess4ua said...

So according to Trace, the Christiane 1 is looking for the black rock. But why would they be doing that in the Sunda Trench if it was last seen heading the opposite direction. We are definitely missing something here. Or, the person sending the Christiane 1 already knows where the island and the black rock are.

Scoutpost said...

Well I finally got the Black Rock website!

Is it confirmed that the Christiane 1 is going to the Sunda Trench to look for the Black Rock? Tracey's email didn't seem to indicate that and I can't remember what is confirmed. So I'm wondering if we really know what Talbot and the Christiane 1 are really looking for. Maybe my memory is just failing- I am tired.

Ellen said...

Doesn't Sam's Mum sound a lot like Sam Toomey's wife in S3E10? Not just the accent, the tone of her voice when she's talking to Hurley about the numbers....?

Scoutpost said...

Oh jess- I see we are wondering the same kind of things.

Tess315 said...

Could you mean the Dragon's Triangle in the area of Japan, Guam and Taiwan?

Ellen said...

Carol- Just finished watching "The Brig"-S3E19 and Cooper said to Sawyer that the plane crashed in the Pacific Ocean. He didn't mention bodies or anything, but he did say that John Locke was supposed to be his "dead son".

maven said...

These new emails just confirm what we've been discussing. Talbot is looking for the Black Rock. I guess Sam looked up info about Amelia Earhart before emailing the Broadcasting Authority (whatever that is!)

Also, maybe Sam was asking Trace about the camera acting funny because we saw all those glitches with ghost images. Remember, they're constantly brining up electronic problems wherever they're headed for.

maven said...


maven said...

Also, with Allied Copenhagen Marine Merchants in Trace's email re the Black Rock, we have a real tie-in with TLE1.

Ange said...

New Post!

Scoutpost said...

Perhaps Penny chartered the Christiane through Talbot (which would make him good/bad?) and she gave him the book because it has all coordinates and info re: the electromagnetic anomaly written in it that she got from the guys in the ice hut. That way it would be plausible for the book to be on the ship, perhaps even Ockham had it, etc. Of course the problem is answering why they are going to the Black Rock and the Sunda Trench...

Adam F. said...

This is the most fascinating discussion about the show! It would be so cool if this site influenced the show. Wow. I have a question: Does anyone know if there's a relationship between the Widmores and Sun's father? I feel like Sun's father is involved with the overall scheme, I just can't put a finger on it.