Kudos to TAE at Darkufo who came up with THIS solution to the numbers on the pill bottle. Here is a Map of the clue. (Thanks aimless22 and Kirsten)
The Chapter 4 Clue Hunt Video tonight shows Sam walking the outside decks of the Christiane 1. He spots something off in the distance and grabs his binoculars to get a closer look. (What is that he sees?)
*Maven had an interesting post in comments with a link to Wiki on how electromagnetism and auroras are related. It even references Faraday.
The Chapter 4 Clue Hunt takes place in the Lounge area of the Christiane 1. You can see where the clues are located by clicking on the following picture.
- Season 1 - Picture of Vincent
- Season 2 - Swan Hatch Logo on Cards
- Season 3 - Parachute (Naomi)
- Season 4 - Picture HERE
- Mr Ockham wants to test Sam's ability to locate coordinates on a map.
- You are given 5 sets of coordinates that you have to mark on a map. Screenshots of the answers are posted in Photobucket. The coordinates are:
2: -6.4024, 117.0123
3: -27.0297, 35.8210
4: 36.5817, 107.4063
5: 12.7017, 83.5802
After the game is solved you are given one of two passwords to enter at Find815.
- ABC- Frank Lapidus SPOILER ALERT: If you google this, you WILL be spoiled.
- Yahoo 7- Miles Straume (Thanks Carol and Patch)
Any idea what the numbers on the season 4 clue might correspond to?
From last post...
Actually I think that stuff has been overlaid on everything, Sams home desk, the desk on the ship, the background images. Everything.
And I meant Maven up there not Macen... sorry. Anybody getting anything from those numbers, I tried Ascii and Hex and all that but didn't find anything theere?
Ah, so both clues were names this time? Just more characters for series 4 I guess.
I went back to look at the light on the water again. If you zoom in when he says look closer...and really look you can see a rounded top to the green. Like the top of a dome or something.
These overlays or underlays are pretty bizarre. Is it supposed to be atmosphere or something?
BTW: Great synopsis of the evening, Jess!
I always assumed the under/overlays to be a matter of aesthetic - and to get people scrabbling around trying to work out what everything is :D
Ular97: I think that "dome" is the top of the view through the binoculars.
Okay, this old broad with the presidents dunce hat is calling it quits for tonight. See ya tomorrow morning maybe.
Maven..you are probably right. Forgot it was his prospective.
Are we to make anything out of playing cards exposed: 10 of Spades, Queen of Diamonds and 6 of Hearts?
Ular, How do you zoom in? I tried a bunch of things but the image didn't change.
Maven-THANKS! WOW! I have to go catch up on reading, you guys had a lot to say tonight. LOL! But...Maven I love that link to Wiki about auroras and how they are linked to magnetism. It even references Faraday. I posted it on the main page. :}
Okay, off to read...
Have you tried right click - zoom in?
This was a wonderful discussion today! See ya'll tomorrow...
dedj: pharm is right. I right click on the spot I want to see closer.
Okay...for sure I'm following Ellen out the door this time. I said I was finished 15 min. ago LOL
Thanks, Jess!
Dedj: Yep...right click, zoom in and zoom out!
maven, I'll have a play with the other bottle in a minute.
I do like the SHIMMR being SRMHI plus an M... SRMHI Medicine? And yes, I think it's fairly obvious from this that it is going to be in season 4 in some way. I think anything in these clue hunts has to be taken as spearate from Sam's world otherwise it gets too complicated... why would someone on board have Swan cards?
My computer has just crashed, good thing I have a spare. I just added a pic of the med bottle with the numbers in it, labeled. It's linked with the season 4 clue. G'night!
Ah yes right click... lol
I figured it was an actual part of the game not just manipulateing the flash.
I don't think they were supposed to be the Swan Station cards, as the did not have the I-ching symbol around them as the cards did on the show, I guess it is just a way to say hey to the fans.
Okay, caught up.
Ange is working on putting the numbers on the pic of the med bottle in photobucket.
I am not sure I think they are relevant though. So far our S4 clues, just seem to be S4 clues. I think we should keep a record though just in case. Who knows, maybe once the show starts all of the numbers for S4 clues will have some meaning.
After reading the wiki article on auroras I am further convinced that Sam is looking at the island. If it turns out to be something else, I will laugh very hard at myself for being so fooled.
Also, I think I am very close to being the baby of the group, so I need to start my own club. Hehehehe
One more thing....if you google the S4 password from ABC you will be SPOILED. So be careful!
Seems someone has solved the clue with the numbers on the bottle over at Darks......could be another spoiler though so I haven't read too much about it...I'd never have got it though!
Gah...double post!!
Someone over at Darks solved the numbers with a tip from another mysterious person in their chat - don't worry, I'm not going to say here what I read - but don't go over there if you want to figure it out on your own.
Don't worry I learned my lesson the last time I googled a seson 4 clue. Won't be doing that again.
Thanks for the warning, Jess!
Yeah, I am reading about the bottle numbers being solved. There was another "mysterious" helper in chat, so I am worried that this is a fake clue. If anyone finds out different, send us an email and we will update.
Deleted and reposted with hopefully better spelling:
If I should ever want to send a secret message I'm just learning all sorts of good tricks. First I'll turn it into an anagram before running it through a cipher text. Then I'll embed it in a picture of my dog - not forgetting to invert the colors and make it into a scrambled picture puzzle. By the time I'm done it will be so secret than even I won't know what it says.
I'm beginning to think poor Sam should just give up this wild goose chase to find Sonya and go shack up with Tracey. After all, his mum seems to like her.
Argh - the spelling is still wrong. I give up.
LOL - the spelling doesn't matter lost2010 - it's still hilarious!
Lost2010! ROFLMAO! Real life is never like this, is it?
If it gave you a laugh, it was worth typing - bad spelling and all.
OT They just reported on the news that people were leaving the Cloverfield movie dizzy and nauseas. Some people wanted their money back because they had to leave the show early. And some theatres are posting warning signs that you might get sick. Surely it's not that bad? And no I haven't had the chance to see it yet.
So funny!! And so true.
sorry I meant lost2010 not kristen
sayid'sgirl - I saw something about that on the news too, I think they said it was from shaky camera footage (I haven't seen the movie either)
sorry I spelled your name wrong twice.
Yes that what it was the shaky camera footage.
no problem sayid'sgirl!
I saw Cloverfield, and it is a shaky camera pretty much the whole time. Imagine a home video with the person holding the camera running. I can see how some people would get sick. I think I said several times, afterwards, that I feel like I just got off a roller coaster.
hmm, this is kinda why I am trying to stop myself from speculating on those names we get as passwords... I'm sure they're not game related and well... I guess it might be nice to have theorised something and find out it's true btu I'm beginging to think it's better not to. So, thankyou ABC and find815 for spoiling me.
Thankfully I didn't get too far in spoilers when googling the names but did google the surnames separately. The Aussie password answer is quite Norwegian.
I think I'm going to hold off on Cloverfield for a while. Even though I'd wear my acupressure wrist bands that I use for cruises, I don't need to subject myself to that for a movie!
So all the passwords seem to be characters for S4. ABC has done a great job with this game to stoke the interest in S4, but I have a feeling that fans like us are the only ones really playing this game very deeply. The casual fan probably doesn't even realize it's us going on. A lot of my friends who aren't as LOST-obsessed as I am, had no idea this was going on. We didn't need anything to get US excited about next Thursday! Don't get me wrong...I truly appreciate ABC for putting this on...it really helped to get us through the last of this ridiculously long hiatus. And we getting some depth to the Lost mythology out of it.
I just saw Cloverfield tonite. It was very entertaining...but the shaky camera work didn't even phase me! I must have a very shaky perspective to begin with! LOL
Ok I went over to Dark's site and looked at the med bottle solution. I won't give anything away, but how in the world these people even think to do what they do to figure these things out is beyond me.
Carol- which is the Aussie password?
The fact that it is Norwegian is very interesting. ;)
Guess I'm the only one here.
Nevermind Carol, I figured out which one.
See you all tomorrow (I hope).
I'm glad to see the OMF42 Flickr pictures were canon after all and Shimmr does indeed have an in-game meaning ("A faint or veiled and tremulous gleam or shining; a glimmer." > i.e. the Aurora)
Good morning,
Sayid's Girl sent some pictures of a gas mask that are from the Season 4 clue hunt. It's here int he photobucket. Thanks Sayid's Girl.
Oodles: Well done finding the flickr!
Also, we're working on an update for the pill number clue so stay tuned.
oodles, what proof is there that they are cannon? I don't read the comments at Dark so if something has come up there I have missed it
I really should think everything through before posting. In the clue hunt I noticed a wooden mask carving thing hiding down behind the table. It looks Papuan but I haven't had a close look so don't quote me on that.
Also on the door that thing near the bottom, a bird thing... it's so not a swan, some other water bird but haven't bothered to sort out what (I've been watching Peacekeeper Wars, so I should be able to concentrate tomorrow). But it reminds me of some sort of logo for a Queensland resort or something
good catch on the gas mask! I'm off to bed, nighty night ;)
ooo-ooo Carol!
Big Farscape fan here!
Question about naturally occurring auroras. I know in the Northern Hemisphere, you tend to see them only when you're very far north. Is that true for the southern ones too? Isn't Sam near the equator?
Carol- I saw that bird on the door too! I think it is a blue heron.
Sayid's girl- Good catch with the gas mask!
oodles- I can't find any confirm that the pill bottle numbers or the OMF42 flickr pics are in game. If you have seen one can you please email it to me. I am still not sure because Darkufo had told us that the characters in the CHAT room are fake, and that is where they got the clues from.....
Trying to read that aurora article reminds me why I'm not the scientist in the family. It's like listening to Charlie Brown's teacher.
But from what I could understand they can be caused by great geomagnetic storms. So this could possibly be a result of the purpling (Desmond's key turning) though it was day on the Island and night on the boat?
Ellen- I actually put that link on the front page...:D For anyone who might be looking for it.
Memphish- Considering the fact that Sam is near the equator and the "glowing green" seems to be on horizon, I think it is very possible that what he sees is caused from some kind of magnetism.
(hahaha)rofl!!! memphish-charlie brown's teacher-yea!!
I suppose it's possible that Desmond could have caused that little light show for Sam when he turned the key, especially considering the amount of energy involved-I mean really, think about it: the sky actually turned purple. I would probably freak out if I actually saw something like that. It's no wonder Desmond woke up in the past!!!
As far as the day/night thing-I can't wrap my brain around that one...
Thanks, Jess! That's very helpful.
And I agree about the magnetism!...
As far as the day/night thing - Maybe the island always glows at night from the electromagnetic forces that are there. I think that the hatch maybe had something built to "harness" or "restrain" the electromagnetic properties that the island has. The episode with Rose reminds me of this because of the "healer" that said there are certain places on the Earth that have these properties.
That's good Jess! You could be right about that.
Here's what Damon and Carlton had to say about the Island's electromagnetism on the Access Granted feature on the Blu-Ray DVDs.
Carlton Cuse: Is there still electromagnetism on the Island? I would say yes there is. Is there electromagnetism that is going to lead to an imploding black hole and the end of civilization as we know it? Perhaps not.
Damon Lindelof: Lets just say like theoretically inside the Island there was this ball of electromagnetic energy. And lets just say there was a group of people – we’ll call them the DHARMA Initiative sort of drilling around and and doing general futzing on the Island and they accidentally drilled into this hole and suddenly that entire ball of electromagnetism became untapped so that they built this Swan station above it in in an effort so that it wouldn’t get completely out of control. So that by plugging that hole you don’t actually do away with all the electromagnetism. Its still there.
Carlton Cuse: It became tapped actually.
Damon Lindelof: Yes. Tapped. that’s right.
Carlton Cuse: Not untapped but then now its been re-corked. Lets just call it corked. Its been corked. Its not its its fine. Don’t worry about it.
Damon Lindelof: Its tapped
Carlton Cuse: Don’t worry about it right now. You’re ok.
You can see all their answers here.
Memphish - Thanks for posting that!
I updated the front page with info about how to solve the numbers on the pill bottle.
Wow, that info was great, memphish!
So Camp Millar, so are we thinking that's where Penny's guys were monitoring from?
Morning everyone!
That's what I'm thinking Twinkle. And it's interesting since the camp is in a territory belonging to Norway, and like Carol said, the Aussie password from the clue hunt is a person with a Norwegian name. Maybe he will be one of the men in the ice hut. Of course I'm totally speculating here.
We aren't any closer to solving what to do with those numbers from the Sunda Trench site are we?
@Jessua and Carol
I assume the flickr pictures to be cannon because they hinted at how to solve the pill bottle numbers. The pictures were up hours before the game continuation which gave us those numbers. Also the shimmr (on flickr) > 'shimmer' tags hinted at the Aurora.
Not sure, maybe SHIMMR was all they were, but then, maybe there is more to them.
Oh yeah thanks oodles. I forgot that they were translated to SHIMMR. That may be all.
Or it could be a play on both the shimmer and the SRMHI? Maybe Straume is one of the guys from the station? Of course they were speaking Portuguese so maybe not.
There's a LOST billboard in Tallahassee, FL. It's related to the show, not the game, and may be considered lightly spoilery, but I think most everyone over here has seen the reference.
Hi everyone, great work on he game! Especially the theories. And you all are in top form in the humor department today also, it's so much fun to start the day laughing with the LoCos. :-)
Interesting BB Memphish, thans for posting it. Wonder where the beam of light is coming from? Maybe just the sun shining thru an openng in the clouds.
Wow, I'm loving this electromagnetic and auroral turn! :-)
Heheh, that's funny that they made Sam's binoc-vision look like two optical holes, but at least they connected them somewhat. :o)
Jess, I like your idea that maybe the island just glows all the time and that is what Sam is seeing in the distance. I had a thought that the green glow might be the residual magnetism left over after the hatch blew. That's why Sam's seeing it at night.
So we're taking the Flickr pic and the bottle solution as in-game. It all fit together. I don't know how anyone would have "solved" this on their own anyway! The bonus clue of Camp Millar must be the listening post.
Ahemmmm...make room for the president of the over 50's club with her presidential dunce hat on!! Good late morning fellow gamers.
I put Camp Millar in yahoo search and got a mediacal thing on schizophrenia and bipolar disorders, what gene they found maybe causing it etc.
I found a YMCA camp in Minnesota. :-D
But Google assumed I meant Miller not Millar.
Good guess on the listening post!
FYI: It appears the DocArtz is a "little" upset that some clues and hints are being directed only to DarkUFO's site. He does make some good points. I really don't think we could have "solved" some of these things without these hints that are being given to only a few people. Our crew at OC is constantly scrambling to try and figure out what is legit or not, what is spoilery, what is not, what is real, what is not. This is not the way to treat the fans at large. I know that the people at Dark's are not keeping the info for themselves and we can all access it, but we have all so skeptical of what is going on, it's hard to trust the sources. And then we find out (after the fact and solution given) that it's legit and pertinent to the game. I find this frustrating and totally unfair.
I saw that too Maven, and I think a guy who got a preview of the new episode doth protest too much. There's a time crunch on this ARG with only 1 week to go, so leaving things hanging out there to be "found" would more likely leave things out there hanging unfound. Yes, it's fun to solve things, but it's more fun to know more about LOST.
As for the hints being directed at one site, if Doc didn't load his site with pop-up and other advertising maybe people would go there. I find Doc's site format less than user friendly.
Right about the popups/adverts Memphish. Dark's site is hard enough on my slow computer with all the adverts, but I rarely go to Doc's site for more of the same reasons. Er, or, the same reasons, but more so. And sometimes Doc's site seems too sour-grapey to my taste...not that it's always his attitude, but also others' over there. IMHO.
Seems to me Doc is cutting his nose off to spite his face. This is all just extra info. and fun. So what now he's going to ignore it all and declare it non-canon for him? We all had a whole weekend to break the braille and no one did, so having a clue as to how to move on did not bum me out in the least. It's like saying you have to solve each and every thing by yourself and no peeking or I'm going to take you to the principal's office. That's no fun to me and why I don't do Sledgeweb's game that he runs periodically because you can't get help or do it in teams.
Here are the two things that came up when I put Camp Miller in...I put it in with " on each side. The first web side at the bottom of the explaination, explains the idea pretty well.
Schizophrenia Research Forum: News
The Schizophrenia Research Forum is an online scientific community dedicated to ... Using pharmacological elevators of cAMP, Millar and coworkers showed that ...
www.schizophreniaforum.org/new/detail.asp?id=1205 - 112k - Cached
ArtsForge Gallery of the Abstract
Arnsten Lab
The Arnsten Lab studies molecular influences on the higher cognitive functions ... DISC1 activates PDE4B (phosphodiesterase 4B) to destroy cAMP (Millar et al, 2005) ...
One thing really bugs me about the whole Ursa Major thing...CAN you actually see it from the southern hemisphere where the island is supposed to be????? I'm trying to find out now.
My nephews are convinced that the island is upside-down in the water like the ship in Pirates of the Carribean. They may be on to something. :o)
Memphish..what is Sledgeweb games? I thought I had been to every strange game site there could be.lol
Having lived on Papua, I never ever saw lights in the sky or over water or anything. I spent many hours flying from Indo. to Australia and other areas of the region, lots in the dark. I never saw any hint of A. Boralis or whatever.
Here here Maven! It's frustrating, and I see both sides of the coin. I agree with and appreciate your comment though.
Hello, all! (saluting to Pres. Ular)
Maven, very well put... I agree
Capcom, your nephews have an interesting idea...
Ular, could you see the Big Dipper down there????
Cap..Ican't recall for sure, but for some reason I am thinking the constellations were the same. The part of Papua I lived was foggy and rained almost everyday so you didn't see the night sky very often.
We didn't go outside after dark very often either because of the mesquitoes and all the diseases they carry.
Ooch, yeah, you have to watch out for malaria. Constellations would be different south of the equator.
It kind of drowned last night as everyone rushed over to the main site but I just meant to point out the odd naming of the two photos of the Big Dipper: "BigdipISS"
ISS is an abbreviation for "International Space Station" and (amongst many other things, see "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISS_%28disambiguation%29) it also stands for "Imaging Science Subsystem", a set of cameras aboard the Cassini spacecraft. The spacecraft was named after the Astronomer Cassini, who according to Wikipedia "was the first to make successful measurements of longitude by the method suggested by Galileo, using eclipses of the satellites of Jupiter as a clock."
As to the "Imaging Science Subsystem" - here is the juicy bit: "The cameras are fitted with spectral filters that rotate on a wheel—to view different bands within the electromagnetic spectrum ranging from 0.2 to 1.1 μm."
Maybe I'm imagining things (wouldn't be the first time :) ) but perhaps this is a hint at both celestial navigation and a way of detecting the location of the island from space?
Good info Oodles! Especially the navigation from space angle. Good call on the ISS abreviation, that didn't even occur to me when I saw that designation. :-B
FWIW, I found an online Southern Hemisphere star chart for Dec.1 thru Jan15, and it does not show Ursa Major. Humph.
Cap..I have been reading some sites about the stars and this one says some can be seen both places, the phone rang and then my daughter texted me and I didn't finish the article but here is where I was reading.
Only popping in for a moment. My hubby has a program- you can plug in your location, day of year etc. and it will show you the night sky for that location. Don't have time to do it right now, but let me know- I could try for Jakarta or something. I will have to check later. There are some constellations that can only be seen by NOrthern hemisphere and some by only Southern hemisphere though. I don't know about Ursa Major though. I will call my hubby.
Right Ular, some can, the low ones like Orion, zodiacs, and other southern-most constellations to us. But I haven't ever seen the Big Dipper on a S.H. chart, it's too far north I think. They can't see Polaris, of course.
BTW, great link Ular!
Scoutpost, see the link I posted with the Dec-Jan star chart for the S.H.
TPTB are probably using the B.D. to make whatever their point is about whatever astronomy goes with the show, because that's the one that most people are familiar with. But still...
Ok I do have a few minutes. Let me see what I can do on this star program.
Oh sorry capcom- I didn't stop to look at that. Thanks.
I am very curious to see what your program says Scoutpost! :-) That will make it official and not just my beginner's opinion.
My info has basically the same as your's capcom (which if it didn't I would think mine would be wrong anyway, considering your source-ha).
The Big Dipper wouldn't be visible at that time in the S.H.
October 25, 2001 - (date of web publication)
Image 1
Scientists using NASA's Polar spacecraft have captured the first-ever movie of auroras dancing simultaneously around both of Earth's polar regions. During a space weather storm on October 22, Polar's Visible Imaging System observed the aurora borealis and aurora australis (northern and southern lights) expanding and brightening in parallel at opposite ends of the world. The images confirm the three-century old theory that auroras in the northern and southern hemispheres are nearly mirror images -- conjugates - of each other.
I will try to poke around a little more on hubby's program, but it will have to be a little later- maybe tonite. I have to run kids around and do the mommy thing for a while.
Wow Ular, awesome. Where does that come from?
Nevermind, I searched it. :-)
Cap, aren't those pic. of the two glowing ends interesting, with the mirror theory and all? LOL
Oh yes, Ular, that's a good point!
OT and FWIW, my weird take on finally reading that post on Doc's site about the leaks, is this: Maybe Hoodlum does intend to involve more than one site in the game. Who knows? Maybe they just picked Dark's first, and then they would move on to another one, i.e., Doc's, like with TLE-1, who knows?
I dunno. Like Maven and Memphish said, perhaps too much ado about nuttin. And like M&M said, if their clues were too arcane, and we weren't getting them fast enough for the limited time we have for it, maybe they needed to leak some hints so the game could move on.
I'm way too confused about the stego stuff being real or not real to even comment on that. Whew.
As far as the game....
I think it is great to work as a team. The part that frustrates me is that some folks are reading and watching the spoilers and solving the puzzles in advance. By the time the game starts, there are already posts of the answers for the puzzles before most people get to look at them. Then some folks go around to all the blogs and post it in comments. Also, I feel like you have to be on Darkufo's site all the time to be able to play the game, which I do not prefer because of all of the spoilers. The first ARG was not like that. I think in the first one TPTB did a better job of including a lot of blogs. That way we each got a piece of the puzzle and had to come together as a whole "internet" team to solve it. That is what I consider team work. Just my opinion though....
I am enjoying what we are learning and it is fun to chat about it all. I am really getting excited about next week!!!
Scoutpost- That program your hubby has sounds neat. Maybe you could send us some pics to put in Photobucket.
man, you had to start talking about the southern stars after I went to bed!
Yes, we can see the Big Dipper, but as has been pointed out, not all year round.
in other news... Matthew Fox will be appearing on a breakfast tv show in the next hour. I'm not going there, I would have had to have got up at 4am! But Ninja encourage people to go so I am tuned in waiting to see what happens
Thanks Carol!!! Eureka! I wonder why I can't find it on any star charts. What time of year can you see it? Would it be between Sept 22 and Christmas? :-) Can you see the entire constellation?
Jess, I agree. You know, you learn as you go along sometimes, and maybe that's what's happening with Hoodlum. Maybe they never handled a game or whatever that had so much global interaction. One could forgive their miss-steps along the way if that's the case. Also, I saw it mentioned in the Doc comments section that things were put on Lostpedia and the Fuselag as well, but were deleted. So if Dark's was the place where their hints didn't get killed, it's not Dark's fault.
That info on the auroras is fascinating! Thanks for posting it.
Even if it had nothing to do with the game it'd be fascinating. But it seems to tie in with the ISS. Perhaps the lads at the listening point utilize that kind of technology to spot the electromagnetic anomalies they are searching for?
As an aside, I observed a very faint Aurora Borealis in Ireland at Lat. 53N a few winters ago (moving greenish curtains of light) and at the same latitude in Germany in the mid-80s, also during mid-Winter (an unforgettable red sky at 3 am). So very rarely the edges extend much further from the poles.
@ capcom
Here in Ireland I can see it year-round, I think... The Big Dipper seems to be directly overhead in November - I sleep under a roof window and look right up into the sky from my bed and always notice it around that time.
However, this site (http://www.allthesky.com/constellations/ursamajor/) says it culminates in April?
Sugar. I'd love to know more about astronomy.
Right Oodles, it depends on the solar activity. In the early 2000s (wow, that's weird to be saying that!) a major solar blast caused the aurora to be visible even in the lower United States for a week or so. Typically, it was overcast in NY the entire time, so I never got to see anything. :-p But I had seen it in NY on a couple of other occasions. It's really something to see.
Wow, nice stargazing window! :-O
Capcom - Just to make clear, I wasn't trying to blame Dark or anyone else who likes to play with spoilers. It is just my preference. Also, if it is true that clues were deleted in other places then perhaps they should have executed them like the first ARG. We were either led to them by Rachel, (including ad websites that we knew to check) or TPTB notified blog admins that they were getting a clue.
I do think,though, that we were missing some clues and needed a push in the right direction sometimes. It just seems like it wasn't very well thought out. HA, hindsight is ......! Or maybe it is a little messed up because of the strike. Either way I am trying to have fun with the info we are getting.
Carol- You must give us the scoop on Jack.....
you know, I've never paid that much attention to when we can see it, and I haven't found any information about that yet... we do have an old book about stars and planets so I will pull that out if I can find it (though I suspect it's packed up in a box). But I did find one site that stated once you get below 40 degrees south you won't be able to see it ( Chabot Space and Science Center ). Basically if you are on the Australian mainland you won't be able to see it...
and while we are on the topic of Australia, I've never seen an aurora australis but I recall my Mum mentioned seeing it. There's some nice pics on the southern hemisphere page at wiki
I would love to see an aurora. I need to put it on my list of things to do before I die. LOL
Once you go below 40 degrees latitude, no stars of the Big Dipper are visible. Above that, you'll be able to see at least some of it. 40 latitude south is right between Melbourne and Tasmania.
So all players involved in LOST would be able to see it.
I mean, I know that we're still in the early 2000s, but I meant around 2000-2002. It seems a long ways off somehow. OK, going to the DMV now. :-B
matthew fox is on after the break. No sign of find815 stuff in the crowd that have gathered outside (the program is shot in the city were passers by can look in the windows and see the show)
And yeah, this is a cool-ass picture.
Right Jess, me too.
Thanks TBP!
Kyle- That is AWESOME!!!
ok, not sure if he's said any of thsi stuff in other interviews, but he said that he did have it explained to him how Jack could go from the anticipation of rescue to suicidal etc etc. He also said that Jack would definately be going back to the island, you can see in his face he's not going to let that go so once he goes back he'll be back int hat menacing world (the question was about whether Jack and Kate were safe (not going to die))
there's a find815 shirt! They're talking to fans outside
Carol: I liked the way he said roughly that same thing for Entertainment Weekly over here:
Now that we know Jack and Kate have made it off the island, has some of the death scare been taken off them?
There's no question. People are like, "Well, it's not going to be Jack or Kate for a while." We have to get from the island to that point in the future before it can become a real threat again. But it can become a threat again — and it will. When Jack Shephard goes, "We have to go back," that means he's f---ing going back. And if there's 48 episodes [left], you know that Jack is going back on that island for a certain section of episodes. That means that he could die.
all over, nothing game related happened on screen so I guess now we'll have to wait to see what people report in about Ninja's activities
Carol- :(! Thanks for checking for us all though.
In reference to last nights game, does anyone know what all of the boxes,squares are for on the map. I first I thought they might be to help as a reference to find the coordintes, but they weren't.
Wait, I just looked again, and I mean the highlighted ones....not the teeny tiny ones.
Thanks, Carol. for keeping us updated!
Great work to everyone for all the digging on the Big Dipper "controversy". Especially like the mirror image mentions of the northern and southern auroras the Ular97 found.
Just wanted added a few more cents to the discussion about the stuff on Dark's: I don't mind hints and clues on how to proceed in the game. We were pretty much stuck in one place. It was just done so that only a small section of our community first saw it, and wasn't parceled out to other sites (even though it was stated that the 'lage and another site got it, and deleted it). I know there are many sites blogging about Find815 and not everyone can get special information. But couldn't it get on the Find815 site somehow, so everyone could get to it? The casual participant wouldn't have any idea all this was going on. I also realize that any additional information uncovered doesn't seem to have any impact on the overall story, and the wrap-ups cover pretty much all that is necessary to move the story forward.
Ok I only have about 10 minutes before I have to leave the house again but I have figured out how to get images from hubby's star program .
Jess-I will export some images and send them as soon as I can.
Jess: I think the boxed areas might have just helped to serve as reference points as we were playing the game. I was surprised that one coordinate was outside the boxes.
jess I was wondering about that too. We've had similar boxes on maps of the area before but it would be interesting to compare them to see if there is any difference.
btw, apparently the Big Dipper and all northern stars are inverted for us. Goes to show how much attention I've paid!
Carol- So are you saying that might be why the big dipper pic is mirrored?
I believe the boxes on the map represent the search grid the ship is covering. The ship will be travelling back and fourth along a predetermined course in an E-W/W-E or S-N/N-S direction to cover the entire area contained in the squares with their surveillance equipment.
oops that didn't work... was trying to illustrate the path but it has eaten the spaces
New Post!!!
Just a lag alleviation for tonight's update. It is hard to put a post together with clues when you have to scroll through 300 comments over and over. LOL
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