Sam's Story

- As we wait for Sam to arrive at the Christiane 1, he sends out an e-mail to his friend Tracey to ask if she can find any information on “Black Rock” and how it may relate to the Christiane 1.
- Sam arrives at the Christiane 1 and tries to convince the captain (Mr. Ockham) to let him ride aboard. His chances appear slim until an opportunity presents itself in the form of a broken plotter, which he fixes to demonstrate his usefulness.
- Sam comes across Mr. Oscar Talbot, whose company appears to be paying for the expedition. Mr. Talbot appears to take a dislike to Sam and treats him with distrust. He also seems to hint that he knows something about Sam.
- Sam sets up a temporary office on the boat in a room that includes such features as a picture of black smoke pillowing away from what appears to be a temple in the middle of a forest and Penny Widmore's phone number (02079460893). He sets to work on his laptop.
- Sam receives a mystery e-mail, which he believe to be from The Maxwell Group once again. The e-mail is just a string of numbers, although the following numbers appear in gray rather then black “-1 1. 1 7 8 4”
- Sam sends an e-mail to Sean Downling at Oceanic claiming he has indeed returned all their property and sees no reason for them not to release his final pay check. He also receives a reply to his query about employment with Austral Air. They say they have no positions at the moment but will keep his file on record.
- Sam researches a website with information about various planes and boats that have gone missing in the region of the Sunda Trench. Most notable in this is someone that was searching for Amelia Earhart. The page also mentions that there have been reports of unexplained electronics failure and magnetic interference (effecting compasses).
- Sam e-mails Tracey to see if she can find any information on Mr Talbot and mentions that the camera she lent him seems to be playing up.
- While waiting for replies Sam hears what appears to be a radio broadcast from the past about the loss of Amelia Earhart. Wondering if he was hearing a documentary he e-mails the Broadcasting Authority to see if any were broadcast that day. They reply that there was no documentary and cite amateur radio enthusiasts as a possible explanation for the broadcast.
- Tracey replies to Sam's e-mail with information on Oscar Talbot (see below) and later, The Black Rock. She believes that The Christiane 1 is indeed looking for the wreckage of the slave ship. She also tells Sam that the Camera was working fine when last she had it.
- Sam researches websites on The Black Rock and Amelia Earhart (see below).
- Sam's mum leaves another voice mail. She hasn't spoken to him, she doesn't know where he is, and is still worried.
- We leave Sam 300KM off the Indonesian coast at the Sunda Trench. He is having second thoughts and wondering if he has made a big mistake in going there on the strength of a mystery e-mail. He wonders if he has been played for the fool. He can't make sense of the mystery numbers in the e-mail and can't see what The Black Rock has to do with Oceanic Flight 815. He is thinking about getting off at the next port.
- Graffiti advertising has appeared on all of the Oceanic Air Billboards.
- Live commercials from Oceanic Airlines have appeared on VH1 and The Sci-Fi Channel (Thanks to barbarajay, dedjezter, and takes a village for having an eagle eyes on those.)
- The Clue words for this weeks clue hunt were: 423 Cheyne Walk and Daniel Faraday.
- The expedition has “special requirements”
- Electronics Malfunctions are common in the area.
- Sam claims he has returned all property to Oceanic.
- “-1 1. 1 7 8 4” The numbers in gray in the mystery email Sam believe to be from The Maxwell Group.
- Amelia Earhart (see below)
- The Black Rock (see below)
- Video Flashes – We saw this last week with a flash of Mr.Talbot in Sam's video diary. This week there are flashes of Oceanic's advertising and text relating to The Black Rock along with the word “salvage”.
- The Name Talbot – Speculation in comments has linked this name with a character killed by Locke's father. It has also been noted by myself that Talbot is the name of a character in Anne Rice novels who involved in a cult that studies supernatural activity.
- Missing Images on the Websites – This is probably just to show the poor internet connection Sam has at sea. However it is worth mentioning just in case these pictures are revealed later (when back on dry land) and have relevance.
- A 19th century slave ship thought to be owned by “The New Word Sea Traders”. A company that is now under the wing of the Allied Copenhagen Marine Merchants (which itself is owned by The Hanso Group)
- Usually sailed from Portsmouth, England (where it was docked in slip 23) to Africa, the Americans and the Pacific.
- On it's last voyage (in 1881) it was due to leave Indonesia and Papua New Guinea with a shipment of gold which it would exchange in Africa for slaves. However on leaving the area it unexpectedly headed east away from Africa and was never seen again.
- The web site was confirmed as in-game by Dark UFO.
- 1937 Amelia Earhart attempted a mission to be the first woman to fly around the world.
- Communication was lost with her on July 2nd 1937 while she was flying (along with navigator Fred Noonan) from New Guinea to Howling Island in the Pacific.
- Her plane was low on fuel and there are reports from across the pacific of intercepted communication with her. 8:43am was the last communication.
- Her body and plane were never recovered.
- Another pilot involved in searching for Earhart is known to have gone missing near Sumatra.
- Often speculated about or hinted at in relation to Lost.
- Oscar Talbot –From a highly reclusive and very rich east coast New England family with a sketchy history in the diamond trade. They arrived in New England in 1908 from Somerset (England).
- Mr. Ockham – captain of the Christiane 1 salvage boat
- Tracy R - Continues to aid Sam by finding information for him. She has now researched Christiane 1, The Black Rock and Oscar Talbot.
- Mystery Maxwell Contact – Provided Sam with another cryptic e-mail that he is yet to decipher.
- Owen – Crewman aboard the Christiane 1.
- Mr. Sukanaro – The man Mr. Ockham usually goes to for technical support.
- Isaac Chapman – HR for Austral Air. Turned Sam down for a job.
- Sam's Mum – Sam still hasn't contacted her and she is still worried.
- Sean Dowling – Oceanic HR. Sam told him he had returned their property
Great summary, Fenris (and Ange and Jess if you contributed)! Guess I'm first again.
They didn't leave much to keep us talking about this weekend, so I hope everyone has a great one NOT finding 815! LOL
Chucklez: I voted for PRGATRY on TLC for your just screams you!
Apparently, some info for Chapter 3 has been "found" (the summary page) and I don't think we have to worry that Sam will be getting off at the next port out of frustration...big surprise.
This is a fantastic summary as usual O-C Admins! I stopped actively participating after Ch.1 because of this cold/flu malaise, so I can say that to eyes that have not walked through the game on their own, your summaries are the next best thing to actually playing! Even much better than the other sites (although they are helpful too) because they are too much all over the place. The way you all lay it out is awesome!
Three cheers to O-C!
Now, if TPTB can just somehow pull Howard Hughes into this story, I will be in my creepy-aviation-history-heaven! :o)
Hi - can anyone tell me what the activity was from Chapter 1? My progress on shows everything completed except that and I can't figure out what it is. Any help would be appreciated!
Kirsten - The activity in chapter one is the very first thing you do after the intro video. It's finding the words hidden in the picture.
Maven & Capcom - Thanks for the compliments on the summary. I did most of it while at work. hehe.
All's I can say about the summary... awesome, totally awesome!
kristen There is also a link Here in our Pack Sam's Bag post. It's also got a link to a video walk-through if you get stuck.
Thanks everyone!
Howard Hughes = Jacob :)
OMG Fenris! The jars of "liquid" on the window sill! :-D I knew that he was still alive.
It has to be PRGATRY and if you could get a licence to operate as a taxi... it would read TLC at the bottom (Taxi and Limosine Commision)
That would be awsome!
I like the idea being shopped around about Amilia and Fred being the cave dwelling Adam and Eve. Could be a great connection.
Too funny, Ded!
Great summary, Fenris! Unlike the other one I looked at on a different site, I wanted to read this one. Thanks!
on the catch up again...
it's about frelling time Sam questioned the link between the Black Rock and 815.
Great summary... in trying to pull it all together I wonder if Sam is going to find any connection between 815/Black Rock and Amelia or whether all that is there just for our benefit.
Oh, and thankyou to those that suggested the discrepancy between Cooper and Naomi's explainations of the location 815... you should all be pleased that I wasn't writing you all off as dumb Yanks and Cooper is the figurehead! But it does go to show you how much I was taking for granted familiarity with the locations we are discussing.
It would make this little journey all seem pretty pointless if Sam got off now, though sometimes it is only after the fact you find out how important something is.
thanks Fenris - I did that activity, I guess it just didn't save in my progress. I'm glad to hear I didn't miss anything!
Absolutely the best summary, Fenris!
Thank you so much...
Fenris does do a good job doesn't he!
Does anyone think that the Black Rock web site is likely to change? It's been confirmed kinda that is in-game. It's the same stuff we can see on Sam's laptop, but I guess I am just trying to reason why it would be it's own live site.
Yea, Ange. That is sort of strange...considering the other googling Sam's been doing has been! Why would Black Rock have it's own site? Can they be lending more importance to it in our story? Black Rock/815/Amelia are connected somehow.
What a fantastic summary! It was a real pleasure to read through. Thanks Fenris, Ange and Jess for all your hard work here. No wonder I just skim the surface of other sites, this is the best. :)
I second that motion, Patch. The other Find815 blogs don't hold a candle to Oceanic Conspiracies! (And that's not Dr. Marvin Candle! LOL)
OH HOORAY Maven I was hoping the new Elizabeth Supa-Star picture would make it to avatardom. I screeched when I saw it in my blog feed reader today!
Hahaha. Thanks, Ange. How adorable is it?
I think what's so great about the summaries here is that you guys incorporate everything we discuss in the comments about each clue/character/aspect of the game so well and put it into perspective. Thanks again!
TALBOT----I don't know if that is a common name or not, but does anybody remember in "The Man From Talahasee", the family that Anthony Cooper was marrying into was the TALBOTS...the son that went dead, PETER TALBOT?
Coinsidence or more?
Just an observation...
oops...didnt' see that you talked of that in the post...darn it, thought i had found something!
Ok, nevermind then...
Okay, I have some time today so I am going to throw a rock into an empty cave and see if I get an echo...
I have been thinking about these websites (Black Rock, Sunda Stories, Amelia Earhart) and wondering why there are no images. I do agree with Fenris in that it's more likely for dramatic effect. But with the newly in-game also missing images, and now being a stand alone site, I wonder:
1. Will pictures show up, and if so what will they be of? Just more ship/Earhart pictures?
2. Could there be some key people about to appear in pictures on these sites (speculation about Amelia Earhart begin on the island at some point and/or time and aging happening all funny on the island). Maybe we'll see some familiar faces when/if the images show up. Mr. Alpert? Marvin Candle? Would you just die if there was a shot of Alvar Hanso standing on the bow of The Black Rock or a picture of the woman who plays Amelia on the show? Is this possible or am I just bored?
And also... Hi Lostie 108 :D
And also also...there are still three billboards without pictures of graffiti. Ames, Iowa, Sydney, and Seoul. Do they have graffiti and no one has gotten a picture yet, or do you think we'll see different graffiti on the final three this week ?
Hey, Ange: You're right...I can't find anything about those 3 billboards being vandalized. It would be cool if they say something different, but I just get the feeling that it was a marketing ploy to get more people involved in Find815. So I really don't expect anything different.
Those unloaded pictures on the websites are a different story, though! I'm hoping they do show something that will drive us all crazy...relating to someone or something we know already.
Quiet around here, huh? Thanks for trying to stir up some trouble! LOL
I don't know about the Sydney or Seoul billboards. But the one in Iowa has been graffitied. It was on the news here, on Columbus Ohio station last Thursday. They had called the cops in because of the graffiti just to find out that it was part of an online game.
If I lived in Iowa I'd try to get you a picture.
I do see there's now another cassette on Sam's desk for Diary #2.
Well we usually get a puzzle on Mondays. I wonder what we will have to do this time? Will Sam have to fix something else on the ship?
sayid's girl I remember you saying about the billboard now...I just didn't register that it was Iowa. Also, I think it's odd the Ninja found the Sydney one, yet hasn't managed to see if it's been vandalized. As a matter of fact we really haven't seen or heard much from he or Speaker this time around.
Just sent you a couple of emails to the oceanicconspiracies address.
Ninj is on holidays in Queensland at the moment. Should hear more from him this week sometime.
Just while nothing much is happening, the actor that plays Sam is on an ad. for Hyundai here at the moment, and every time I see it I wonder why he's there and not looking for 815. *lol*
I read about that car commercial the other day at the Australian lost message boards.
Seems like so many people are complaining over at DarkUFO's re the pace of this game and how easy it is! I say: What else would we be doing now waiting for Jan. 31st? At least we have something very LOST related and it has gotten us talking about the story and mythology of LOST! Thank you, TPTB, for whatever crumbs you throw us!
Hi everyone!
Well, I am back to having Sam's old office up on again. LOL!
Ange- I do think it is very strange that those pics are not loaded on the bottom of the websites. Even if it is supposed to be for "effect", I just don't get it.
I wonder if we are going to get another email or something tonight like last Sunday.
sayid's girl THANKS! I put the picture in our photobucket, in the "Images" on the side of the main page, and also included a link to the Ames Tribune story. Thanks for sending that.
maven I 100% agree!
jess Sam's desk changes for me on like a min. by min. basis. If you refresh I bet it'll be the new one.
OH...LOL...Um, the main page is updates with all the stuff I said to Sayid's girl in my last comment. Hehe...I am multitasking.
I'm with you Maven. Constructive criticisim has its place, but the whining is ridiculous. They're the glass-half-empty (or completely empty!) type of people I guess.
You're Welcome
Glad I could help.
Sayid's girl - Thanks for sharing that article! It gave me a much needed giggle this evening. How embarrassing for that cop!
Thanks for that link to the Ames Tribune story, Sayid'sgirl! I think it's so funny that the billboard was at 815 So. Duff Ave.
Glad it gave you a giggle.
I know that's pretty funny huh.
And I also agree with you that who care how hard or easy this game is. It gives us something to do and hopefully will give a new insight to the show.
re the missing images - part of me can't help but come up with a sceptical, non-game explaination... they haven't got approptiate images that are free or have permission to use? I would love it if this game would tie into the show more than the last one did, those images would be cool and I don't know that I'd go to the extreme of dying, but I think I'd certainly let out an "ooooh" or "Oh my god!". I doubt Sam will show up... maybe a Hyundai ad on a background tv (he is looking for a new job)?
as for the Sydney billboard (and the others that we don't know of being touched up yet), I have been wondering about that... why some and not others? I was in Sydney last week, but no chance to go and check the billboard out. As Patch explained, Ninja is away for a few days, and I don't know of anyone else in Sydney following this game as closely. Now if there were dark chocolate bars being given away at the billboard I'd be there like a shot ;)
Sam's current status on Facebook is: Sam Thomas's finding internet aboard the Christiane I is unstable. He's not sure he's on the right trail but isn't giving up hope.
He's also got a new MySpace blog pretty much saying the same thing. I'll put the text on the main page.
I've been checking that myspace off an on today and finally gave up about an hour ago.
Figures :)
Know what you mean, Sayid'sgirl. I watch the sites all day, and then when I was watching the Golden Globe announcements things happen. But they sure went by fast...might be the way to go.
humm de dum dum.....just waiting for something else to happen.
I really am thankful for this ARG, it is fun and really getting me excited and back into the groove for LOST- but I kind of wish there were more to it, too. Maybe not as much as TLE, but I wish there were a little more challenge. That's as far as my complaining goes though- I mean with the writers strike, I'm glad for this.
That is weird about the desk- I originally got the old one too, then refreshed and got the one on the ship.
sayid's girl Did you know that if you subscribe to Sam's blog on MySpace and have your account set to e-mail you things, you'll get a mail when he posts? I wouldn't have looked if I hadn't gotten the e-mail.
Don't I need to have a myspace account to do that?
I really don't want to create an account just for this game.
Sayid's Girl: ROFL...heh yeah you do. I wasn't thinking outside the box on that one.
I know it's easy to assume everyone has a myspace or facebook account. I'm probably one of the very few who doesn't. Even my son has a myspace or at least he did. I guess he stil has it.
Sayid'sgirl: I got a MySpace page during TLE1. But it's turn out to be a pretty neat thing. Mine isn't as fancy as Ange's or Jess' (LOL), but I keep tabs on a few other friends (my daughter-in-law has a page), and even some gals in my age group! I enjoy it.
Ange: I thought I had signed up to subscribe to Sam's blog. How do you get email alerts?
Ange: Nevermind. I found where the email alert is. I never got one for this latest blog from Sam, though. I do get yours (tee hee).
Maven: :D
Maven - Sometimes it takes forever for me to get the email alerts from Myspace. I don't know why. It seems it is especially delayed with Sam. I usually don't get it until the day after everyone else does. ???
Also, at first, the alerts from Sam were going to my spam file. So you might want to check there, if you haven't already.
Sayid's Girl - I think TLE was the First Myspace for several of us. LOL!
G'mornin'....I think...
I've got goose bumps. That doesn't happen very often to me regarding mysterious things. I don't mean to ramble, but have you guys ever heard of Palmyra Atoll?
I was reading some posts at the Fuselage and someone mentioned it and gave a wiki link:
Palmyra Atoll
This is uncanny! Wonder if the inspiration for LOST came from this?
If you check it out, be sure to check out the Sea Wind Murders too, very interesting!
Ellen, that's really interesting you bringing up Palmyra Atoll. I did a lot of research on it during the first ARG.
That is so awesome Patch! I figured one of you "smart" guys would have info on it!
Aren't the similarities to the overall setting and theme of LOST striking? You wouldn't happen to have any info or pics not on Wiki would you? if so, would you email to me? See my profile....
And thanks!
Here's some info about Palmyra,Christmas Island, and other line islands...
Line Islands
I thought it was rather interesting about Christmas Island since it is so near to the setting of the Christiane I...
Happy Monday All. :-)
I like that article on the atolls. Guano mining? I thought that was just an Ace Ventura thing, whoodathunk?! (Guano bowls, collect the whole set!) :o) Must tell my nephews about that one. Anyway, the atolls are mysterious and unusual places for sure. Especially with the history of WWII, bomb tests, displaced natives, etc.
Good Morning!
ellen and patch How interesting. Actually capcom (who has been sick) wrote about Christmas Island on her blog around Christmas time. I had forgotten about it until you put the links up. You can read it Here if you like.
ellen said...You wouldn't happen to have any info or pics not on Wiki would you?
Palmyra During WWII pictures. That site also links backs to a main page with more island pictures and lots of info.
The similarities are uncanny. And some of the pictures from WWII remind me of the images we see in the Sri Lanka video from TLE.
Also two silly things:
1. (LOL) Allay Arm Plot is an anagram for Palmyra Atoll...Marvin Candle (Wickmund, Halowax) anyone anyone.
2. There's a Cooper Island there.
Good post and links Ange! And good call about the WWII footage being in the Sri Lanka film. I bet that's exactly where they got that from. I found some of the "Hoffit" film footage buried in some classic NASA archives as well.
That Jane's Oceana page is very interesting too.
I hope that no one expects a really interesting article on Christmas Island on my blog, it was kind of just a paragraph in a post for Christmas, because it had been on my mind for a while concerning Lost. :-o But thanks for the mention. :-x
Speaker's got the Seoul graffiti. It's the same as we've been seeing. Boo, I was hoping we'd get maybe the Maxwell site or something. No doubt when Ninja gets back we'll have the final one.
At any rate, pic. is up on the main page in the "Image" area at the side.
All that atoll info is interesting. Thanks, Ellen, Patch, Ange, and Capcom for Christmas Island mention (I remember that from your blog). This does seem very close to what we envision our LOST island to be. Those WWII pics were great. My Dad was a Marine Radio Guy in the Pacific, but he never mentioned Palmyra Island (and I don't see him in the group pic!)
As a warning...there's a lot of spoilers posters at DarkUFO are digging up for the next chapters in our saga. Be careful over there.
Wow, the front page just keeps getting better and better!
Cool about your dad in the Pacific Maven.
And I'll say, the natives are really getting restless with the spoilers over there. Only a couple weeks to go and they are foaming at the mouth! :-D People are even practically deconstructing the game sites to get images before they are released, sheesh. I guess that's fun for the hackers, but I bet Hoodlum never goes near doing another Lost game again.
Thanks about the heads up about DarkUFO. I know the last time I looked over there they were hinting about Chapter 3. I knew it would only be a matter of time before the posted some spoilers.
Since this is a fairly simple game I like to do the stuff myself. I don't want to see it ahead of time. If I get stuck then I'll go take a peek.
During the TLE I did alot of peeking. :)
capcom said...Wow, the front page just keeps getting better and better!
Thanks for that. I get all nitpicky sometimes.
As for Dark UFO, I love them for the masses of information they present. We have kind of taken it upon ourselves to wade through it all and pick the bits that are relevant for the main page. Kind of a one stop shop of sorts...but also spoiler free.
I/we don't always read everything they put up though especially if it begins with "So and so decompiled the falsh..." so if you see anything unspoilery but relevant, pop us a mail and we'll get right on it.
Hey all,
Just popping in to say hi. This game is way to slow to keep me interested but I thought I would check in on the latest chatter.
When you mentioned Cloverfield I thought I'd go over and check out Dennis' site it's been awhile since I've been there (early Dec.)
Anyway found something I thought was nteresting.
Apparently Tagruato has a drilling station in the Indian Ocean in the Java Trench (which is an extention of the Sunda Trench) This drilling is supposedly putting the Sunda Anemone on the brink of extinction.
Looks like JJ Abrams likes the Sunda Trench.
Although I'm sure how involved JJ is with Lost anymore.
While checking out the latest Missing pieces on ABC Lost home,I noticed sandwiched in between Sam's Video Diary's 1and 2,was a really cool sneak peak for season 4
Is anyone else having trouble logging into Find815? Nothing's coming up for me...
Oh, wait. I was being too impatient. I should've cleared my cache before I tried.
I ended up reading all I could find about Palmyra Atoll back then, just because it was so interesting and spooky.
A couple of quotes from this site
Richard Taylor, a yachtsman who spent time on Palmyra in 1977 and had this to say in his testimony at the murder trial:
I had a foreboding feeling about the island. It was more than just the fact that it was a ghost-type island. It was more than that. It seemed to be an unfriendly place to be. I've been on a number of atolls, but Palmyra was different. I can't put my finger on specifically why, but it was not an island that I enjoyed being on. I think other people have had difficulties on that island.
And Norman Sanders, another yachtsman who conducted geological experiments on Palmyra and who testified at the double murder trial, had this to say about the island:
Palmyra is one of the last uninhabited islands in the Pacific. The island is a very threatening place. It is a hostile place. I wrote in my log: "Palmyra, a world removed from time, the place where even vinyl rots. I have never seen vinyl rot anywhere else."
Sorry to go off track but it does seem to have an eerie resemblance to our island.
Thanks for the warning re: spoilers at Dark UFO. I'm avoiding it at all costs now. I don't want the game spoilt!
Sayid'sgirl: Deep sea trenches do seem to be the place that strange things happen! LOL (BTW: Hasn't Dennis done a fabulous job on keeping everyone up-to-date for Cloverfield? I see he got mentioned in the media, too! Congratulations to our Dennis!)
It's enough to try and avoid S4 spoilers, now we have to avoid Find815 spoilers! And it to make it even worse, there are spoilers out there that tie-in the show and the ARG. This is the safest place.
I don't get all the Cloverfield hype. Looks like a decent film and all, but just seems to Lostish to me.
I do think the city in the shadow of the LOST logo is Cloverfield. Just my opinion. No facts to back it.
Yep, I'm staying here where it's safe with you guys. :)
Diggity: I just think Cloverfield was an excellent example of viral marketing. A fair amount of people found it very involving leading up to the premiere.
Yes Dennis has done an excellent
job on his site.
I know you can't go anywhere without the fear of being spoiled. Even reading about the Lost video game in the TV Guide had a mild spoiler for season 4.
Takes a Village: I checked out the latest Missing Pieces because you mentioned you watched it. It was my favorite one so far! So true to life and both humorous and poignant. I can't imagine what it feels like to be unable to communicate with anyone (but one). I'm glad they included it although some might not like it because it holds nothing relevant to the mysteries of the show. Thanks!
I have to admit I checked out some spoilers. The excitement is building! I also watched all of Heroes S2 so far in the last two days. Awesome! Maybe it was hard watching it doled out week by week but I didn't watch it that way. All at once it was impressive! My hope for good TV had been restored. :-)
Maven: Sunglasses baby is soo funny!
Wow Patch, that island sure sounds like LOST island! It also sounds eerily like the place that I used to work. :-{
Anyway, I agree about not being very moved by the Cloverfield hype. It's not a game, and the TIDO and Tagruato sites weren't as exciting as Hanso, But it's been fun to watch over on Dennis' excellent blog anyway!
Thanks, Twinkle! ;)
Stuck in loading mode!
I know the feeling lol
Me too Sayid's Girl, it goes 0% to 98% then back to 0%.
It just booted me off and closed my browser window.
I am to the activity, but it is dark, and won't let me click anything...anyone else?
Click on the light over his bed to turn on the light.
NM, I found the light LOL
I got one key and what I think is a camera(?). Can click on drawers, but can't figure out how to open them.
Capcom- I'm glad you don't work there anymore! :)
Still waiting to finish loading here too.
Okay, I think I got everything except how to open the briefcase. Needs a code.
You can click and drag the keys to the locks. Same with the cell phone charger to the socket and the phone to the charger. I can't figure out what to do with the phone. Nor can I figure out where the key to the briefcase might be.
Sorry I meant code to the briefcase.
There are numbers all over the place in writing. None work yet and I can barely see them. Anyone got anything?
The third time I played it gave me hints!
for the code, look through the names in the phone with initials matching the ones on the briefcase. It's the last 6 digits of the number.
So I entered a code and the screen changed to Sam's desk (darkened) and nada!
That's what I did and it gave me nothing. :-( The hint told me to look for something that matched the initials. Did everybody get the hints too? After they tried a couple times or at the beginning?
The code is one of the cell number the last 6 the briefcase you´ll find some documents
Im in the brief case, let me know if you want help
I got the hint when I already finished the whole process. But it´s not that difficult if you look at the initials of the briefcase
Got it this time! How're the rest doing?
I'm done! Once you open the briefcase, there's another video of Sam looking through it. That's all I'll say for now.
Proposed salvage of the black rock shipwreck....?!?!
devision on Widmore industries...there is a conection between Widmore industries and the Maxwell group. Eureka!!!
Got it.I thought I was going to have to pull an all nighter at first though.
Well, yep...we have a connection between Maxwell Group as a division of Widmore Industries. They're behind the "Proposed Salvage of the Black Rock Shipwreck."
Now we have to figure out the significance of those names and numbers on the charged cell phone (wish mine charged so rapidly)!
The first time through I thought the browser was still downloading because when I clicked on things nothing happened. Then Sam said, "This is harder than I thought," and a minute later, "He'll be coming back soon." I thought, "Whooops!" LOL!
espaio: Is there a way to watch just the final video again once you've finished the game. I didn't see the Widmore part. Thanks!
Woohoo, this is fun, isn't it? I'm really enjoying myself. I hope you all are too. :)
There were hints.
I guess i didn't get those. I did however fail twice while writing down the names and numbers... lol before I even saw what you had to do with the briefcase.
Good activity though.
So far was the best hunt...I didn´t get the hints so it made my life harder...but not that much!
If not answered yet...
just go into story so far and click on that part, it should show the video.
That was fun! Real trial and error!
Twinkle: I don't know if there's a shortcut to the second video with the briefcase other than doing the whole think quickly!
twinkle: I guess not :( you need to do the hole game again or wait until someone post the video on the web
Ooooh! I must have accidentally clicked the question mark button at the top of the hunt in Talbot's room. That's where the hints are.
I went into Story So Far and it takes me back to the beginning of the hunt.
I don't see a way to get to the briefcase video without going through everything again (but you don't need to do the phone thing again).
Just unlock the briefcase and re-enter the code;to see the video again.It's much easier the second time.
Saw it this time. So this contributes to the theory that Penny's father has sent Sam off to find the fake 815 wreck to lend credence to the idea that everyone is dead.
Although I guess it equally supports the theory that Penny has sent Sam off to find the real 815. Can't tell either way really yet. Although I don't see how Penny would have connected the Black Rock and 815?
It´s easy when you find the light, first i spent my time in te dark lol
That was fun, Jess and I are tag team posting right now, so there will be a new post in just a min or two.
My bad... I was almost positive, that once you did something, you didn't have to do it again. Sorry.
So yeah
well good night for´s getting late at this part of the hemisphere. See ya!
That was kinda of fun. After I got back on the site it took me three tries. That key didn't like me I put in every lock and it would go back to the wall. My daughter did it and it went right in for her. lol
Now I have to go through all those phone numbers I wrote down. Do you think any of them is the ID and password to the Maxwell Group site?
So do we think that Talbot has taken AMM's things or is he really AMM?
Good question. Should we know an A. Mullins?
There's no Mullins on Lostpedia.
Well, we get the Widmore connection now. But this still doesn't explain why Penny's book was on Sam's bunk.
New Post!!!
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